Pictures of Canada taken by Canadian Leica.

It took something like two years to turn to this page. Interest is little, on street they ask if it is film, but none gives a crap it is local camera. I'm thinking of letting M4-2 go, bunch of LTMs and film Nikons are more than enough.

Kostya, you have a loyal following (of one at least) who checks in on your Canadian Leicas. I've been to Midland many times (love the area actually) and went out of my way once to try to find where the Leica factory was.

Personally I have no connection or personal attachment to Leica apart from that. For rangefinders, my personal interests are the Canadian made stuff and the (ex-)Soviet stuff.

Trying to think of a Russian phrase I could re-purpose to the context. Can't come up with anything better than Да здравствует Лейка Мидланда!
Thank you :).

I have M4-2 loaded with Kodak ISO 400 film sometime in 2020 and I just can't finish it.
So, this one is from 2020.

LeicaM4_2_KodakTMA400_2021 -2.jpg

I was driving to work, instead of train. 2022 now. Have to drive to work next week. We are back to only two people from entire department on-site.
This year trains are cancelled not because of fewer riders, but because of shortage of those who drives the trains.
Forum is stumbling. Double post created. Here is another image from 2020-2021 long Kodak TMAX 400 in M4-2.


On the bright side.