Post Your Local Occupy Wall Street Protest Photos Here

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really roger?

Yes, I think so. There is clearly a dichotomy here between those who are able to live such apolitical lives that they can separate pictures and their content (or who prefer pictures with no content, or content that is anodyne to the point of oblivion) and those who recognize that there's a real world out there, independent of lp/mm, bokeh, cats and coffee cups.

Political forums preach to the converted. Here, we are united by a love of photography, preferably (though far from invariably) rangefinder photography, and we have a wide spectrum of political views. There are those who are afraid to read or see anything with which they do not agree, and those who are not. Here, we have the opportunity to interact with others with whom we may not agree -- unless the moderators cravenly suppress all disagreement that does not centre upon whether a version 2 or version 3 Summicron is superior.


Yes, I think so. There is clearly a dichotomy here between those who are able to live such apolitical lives that they can separate pictures and their content (or who prefer pictures with no content, or content that is anodyne to the point of oblivion) and those who recognize that there's a real world out there, independent of lp/mm, bokeh, cats and coffee cups.

Political forums preach to the converted. Here, we are united by a love of photography, preferably (though far from invariably) rangefinder photography, and we have a wide spectrum of political views. There are those who are afraid to read or see anything with which they do not agree, and those who are not. Here, we have the opportunity to interact with others with whom we may not agree -- unless the moderators cravenly suppress all disagreement that does not centre upon whether a version 2 or version 3 Summicron is superior.



your philosophy or mine...really does not matter here...we have rules that the mods are here to enforce...plain and simple...even for artists to understand.
It wouldn't be much of a photography forum if a posted photo did not create some discussion. It's the personal stuff that's unnecessary and the mods are keeping it in check.
Some good PJ shots here as well as bystander snaps. Isn't that what we are about?
To what extent to you suppose an "objective" photojournalist is affected by their own political beliefs when they choose to point the camera at something? The photos on the story at this link are clearly trying to portray a different reality from the ones I've seen posted in this thread:

Ya, but then that's the Daily Mail and so not to be trusted by anyone ...
These photos simply are not powerful, and evoke little emotion.....
And, while I agree that some of his photos show little true "passion", I find it amazing that you would place Nicktrop in the company of Willie Ronis (at least based on the posted shots). But people view things differently, and have different standards of first class, so your views don't have to be validated by me.

I do enjoy a few of the shots, but in general you are right.

But what the thread MIGHT be about is the struggle to capture something powerful.

To me they have a bit of a drive-by quality.

Were I seriously shooting one of these:

1) i prolly would dress like a protester--not over the top, but a bit. And then I'd mix and meet.

2) i'd shoot a variety of glass. This is crying out for 1935-1955 glass.

then I'd go through my 2500 shots and hope to find a few I really love.
Thank you for sharing these wonderful images, particularly ones with the placard. They express the anger of any sensible person. However I fear things will get worse. :(
I don't know about the shoot Nick was at, but from a reportage standpoint, I didn't see any opposition folks at the Seattle event.

I take it back. There was one black gentleman who appeared to be homeless and a bit drunk, trying to get the attention of some of the protesters. He was upset at how they the protesters were expressing frustrating with Obama, wanting him out of office now. He basically believed that they should be supporting the person voted in to office and deal with change during the next election cycle, that the protests were inappropriate.

I wasn't sure how to capture any of that on film - to translate his very complex position - into something that would be beyond a photo of a downtrodden man at a protest. A photo that would likely come across as portraying him as a supporter as he wasn't carrying a contrary sign or visibly confronting people - he was just engaging in conversation. I didn't photograph him as I felt like any photo I took would likely misrepresent his position and just look like another downtrodden protester.

I'm sure this changes from location to location and that others do have counter-protesters who can be more readily documented.
nice photos nick, et al.
we won't get much of that down here, so no opportunity.
i wouldn't bother anyway, though. i don't get it. i've always worked for "the man" or an "institutuion" and never felt raped by capitalism; i new i could always find a job elsewhere - and sometimes i did.
that said, we do have the first amendment, and i am mighty glad these folks are able to speak their minds - just like i do - and that you guys can shoot photos of 'em.
but boy, i sure do not understand this leaving of detritus behind for people who work for "the man" to clean up ...
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Great to see your pictures everyone!

I already posted mine in another thread - here are some of them (more to come - San Francisco next!):

Zuccotti Park / "Liberty Square", NYC:




"Tribalistic drum circles are not politics!"








St. Louis:




Protesters just released from St. Louis city jail, having been arrested the previous night for refusing to leave Kiener Plaza.


"First court summons of my life. I'm proud of it."
andersju - WOW, wonderful stuff. Mind my asking what you used? This looks like film - HP 5+, perhaps? I say that because of the rich blacks.
andersju - WOW, wonderful stuff. Mind my asking what you used? This looks like film - HP 5+, perhaps? I say that because of the rich blacks.

There is also a contrast lever in photoshop...


Scans barely do ^ that PanF+ any kind of justice... That is the new location in town for the occupancy.
Anyone here shoot protests related to manufacturing jobs disappearing over the last 20 years? It would be interesting to see a series of photos over time as different industries see their jobs outsourced and protest.

I may be off here, but seeing the progression of protests as different industries jobs are outsourced could be an interesting project. Alas, I haven't been shooting long enough to do anything like that myself.
andersju - WOW, wonderful stuff. Mind my asking what you used? This looks like film - HP 5+, perhaps? I say that because of the rich blacks.
Thanks Nick! I'd usually prefer my favorite combination of Hexar AF+Neopan 400 for this but I wanted to upload stuff while on the road so I went with my X100. Nothing fancy going on - import with camera raw, then channel mixer (normally red 35, green 28, blue 37, monochrome - I think I got it from Markus Hartel's blog years ago) + a curve for contrast. Always ISO 640 or above, I don't like it too clean.
Or, do you think that comments should only be of the Flickresque "Stunning", "Brilliant", "First class" variety; other opinions should be taken elsewhere?

Wrong once again, sport. You're " 0-fer'n today, no? You were critical of the pictures I posted, and reread my post in reaction to it. I replied words to the effect of, "I shot what was there, in the style that I shoot in. Like them, dislike them - whatever." And I do mean that in complete sincerity. Though I am grateful for those who took the time to give them a nod.
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Hey Nick,

<update>'d'oh...I see now that andersju has posted. I'll leave the rest as typed anyway, because that's how I roll.'<end update>

andersju's other thread says he's traveling with an x100. The guy's not even 30 and he's here from Sweden crossing the nation by train. Absolutely amazing on many levels.


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But you did say flat-out that I was wrong, unless I am misinterpreting your sentence "Not so." So I guess I am as sure you are wrong as you are sure I am wrong.

I never said that the photos didn't give the sense of being there; it's just that the "there" seems to be somewhere kinda bland. Again, no reflection on the photos themselves. I don't doubt they do the best job possible of giving that "being there" feel, much as a lot of cat photos could be said to give the sense of being in someone's back yard while the pet grooms herself. Sense of being there- accomplished; iconic photography, not so much.

They are as bland as they are untimely, by about two years I would say.
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