Post your X100 photos

My mom's new cat (note that I'm wearing the Fuji X100 t-shirt by Uniqlo)


Found in Forte Prenestino in Rome

I borrowed a 100s from a friend to see if I like 'em. I was baffled by the complex manual, features, controls, and interface; and I found that the autofocus didn't always do what I thought I'd told it to do. I think I prefer my slower Leica. But anyhow here's a photo of folks watching soccer at Cafe Roma, San Francisco.

Watching soccer, Cafe Roma by thompsonkirk, on Flickr[/IMG]
Melancholy, that Renaissance fair photo is amazing. Has a real 3-dimensional feel. Everything seems in focus, regardless of distance from the camera. I felt as if I were standing there on the grass.
Melancholy, that Renaissance fair photo is amazing. Has a real 3-dimensional feel. Everything seems in focus, regardless of distance from the camera. I felt as if I were standing there on the grass.

Thanks ted, getting used to it for everyday I use it, and I´m very pleased with the IQ, this was shot at f/5.6 in raw. I brought it along with the M4 and Hasselblad today, there was a viking marked going on with lots of great colors, so I´m happy I had the digital with me (before I drove home for some rolls of portra 160 and the F100).

Here is jpeg straight from the camera (except rezise and frame), I really like the colors made by pro neg. standard.
A b&w version is posted in the "digital b&w" thread)