Show Off Your Nikon RF

No caps, no boxes, no silica, no manual, no warranty card.

Just a clear, uncluttered bright viewfinder with great RF patch...great picture taking machine!

While we wait for Nikon Kiu Sxx Show :D my S2 BD has returned from a Shutter hole patch.:eek:
Going for a ride this weekend to test the fix.:)


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Cleaning out my Nikon drawer in the cabinet, I was surprised as to how many Nikon Rf's I have. It all started innocently with the replica black S that Shintaro gave me and over the last decade has "mushroomed" substantially. Fortunately, they are all users!
The front row is Nikon SP's, second row is S4's, third row is S3's and 4th row the S2's and last, but not least the Nikon S's. Obviously the black S4/black S are "fakes" and the SP is a replica, the S2 is potentially a real one, but I don't really care if it is or not. The black S3 is a 2003 version.
The "extra's are back-ups (SP.S3 and S2).
The interesting thing is that my total outlay for these is less than a new Leica MP would be today!
I actually have 2 more - Nikon S's in pieces. One has a dud shutter and the other one has a jammed focusing mount and there is also my R2S. I would never keep 13 cameras of any kind. Logic is that you get rid of one, but it usually means finding one more!
You are off the hook, then. I also have 15 of them. I stopped there. Would have stopped at 14, except for a $30 Nikon M (sync) with 5cm F1.4 lens at an "antique Store".
Brian, I agree, 15 is a nice round number - all I have to do is get the two S working and they can be added to the nikon drawer.

Kiu, cant wait to see your stuff. You have more exiting lenses too. Mine are fairly mundane, no 50f1.1, no Micro Nikkor 50f3.5 and no 105f4. Why do I feel deprived?
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I haven't decided yet. I'm going to try to repair the pry marks that are on the sides, though. Whoever performed that trick should get jail time. ;)
My new baby - a restored M/S. The first two photos show how beautiful it looks now. The third photo is the original condition and imagine the whole camera and back looking like that.

The story is that the prrior owner was a pro, and covered the leather with varnish to protect it. Well, it protected it from ever going onto the shelf of a collector.

I removed the varnish, and got the mechanicals all working again.

It's my only M, so it's my favourite M.

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I finished the mechanical CLA yesterday, and the rest of the cosmetics. It's a beautiful M now. The slow speeds are as smooth as butter, and the mis-firing is mostly gone.

Time to load up film and shoot.

Hi Vick,
what about the chrome, it looks heavily oxidized, are you doing something to that?

Very late example, I see thee serial number is 6094xxx....close to Nikon S numbers.
