Show us your SLR ..... WHAT?

The old Nikon

The Canon a2 eos

and the old DSLR at work
Abram--beautiful stuff!
And really, that's all you need.
Thanks for posting--always good to see a NON-HP F3 finder!

Thanks Paul. I'm quite happy with the setup. Meets all of my 35mm SLR needs. Admittedly I don't often use the motor drive for the F3 I prefer to use it on its own.

It reminds me that I need to get out and shoot more though. Still have a half unfinished roll in the fm2n. Embarrassing.
Out shooting some Sunny 16 today. First time my father's Nikon F has been out in 17 years. I added the eye level finder and H lens.


Exakta VX500 by berangberang, on Flickr

Just recieved this Exakta VX500 with Pancolar lens.
I have to admit the camera is a bit disappointing - it just feels cheap in the hands in a way that my also cheapo Edixa doesn't. In fact it feels cheap even compared to Prakticas I've had. It's just nothing at all like the 1950s Exaktas. Still oddly attractive though. This has a high serial number, I think it may be one of the last ones from when they dumped the rest of the VX series at ridiculously low prices when the RTL1000 rolled in. The lens may be older, but I don't know much about Zeiss Jena serial numbers - the lens is basically mint aside from dry grease though. Got a great deal for it alone. Can't wait to roll a test roll through it.

OK, next time I take a picture of the F3 I will make sure no red dots are showing. Still, I did a lot of camping with this kit, or the M4-P kit.



I was given a bag full of old cameras and lenses to dispose off. One is this Praktica Super TL. Massive beast - but it seems to work fine, though no batteries in it. All speed seems to be OK - shall put a film through it. Case is made from leather from very thick skinned east German cows!