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From a Super Ikonta with an uncoated 75mm tessar:


Zeiss Ikon Ikonta 524/16 with Novar Anastigmat 75 mm f/3.5

Fomapan 400 in HC110B:

Ikonta 524-16_04_Fomapan 400_002 von thomas.78 auf Flickr

Thomas, this is the camera that had the light leak recently, yes? If so, it seems you got that sorted and it's a capable performer now. There's just a bit of smearing in the far corners on the picture above, but it is not enough to be a distraction and is forgivable in such an ancient triplet lens.
Thomas, this is the camera that had the light leak recently, yes? If so, it seems you got that sorted and it's a capable performer now. There's just a bit of smearing in the far corners on the picture above, but it is not enough to be a distraction and is forgivable in such an ancient triplet lens.

Hello Dave,

thank you for asking!

No, it is not the camera with the light leak. The light leak is at a Super Ikonta 530/2 with a unocated Tessar 105 mm f/3.8.
I didn't cured it up to now.

Edit: one more image with the 524/16:

Ikonta 524-16_04_Fomapan 400_010b von thomas.78 auf Flickr
Nice Thread

Nice Thread

I am just getting back to using my Ikonta cameras and looking here it is inspiring to see such good picture taking with folders.

There are too many here to list going back to the nice landscapes from fedupwithdigital.
Most recent:
Thomas, fun capture of the couple.
Matt, your two images here are striking!
Rhi-Oregon, I really love the dog capture but also the beer composition.
Lano, The Bruges shot is lovely.

I will try and get it together to post something soon.

Great Colors

Great Colors

Citizen99 The tractor pics are fun and the Heliar really looks sharp corner to corner! Is that the Bessa II ? I ask because I am not aware of an earlier camera having that lens.

Citizen99 The tractor pics are fun and the Heliar really looks sharp corner to corner! Is that the Bessa II ? I ask because I am not aware of an earlier camera having that lens.

It's the Bessa Rangefinder that started in the 1930s; it's the 'ancestor' of the Bessa II. It was offered with Helomar, Skopar, or Heliar lenses :) . If you follow the links to Flickr you'll find details of my camera here
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