Sigma Changes DP-1 Website

up to ISO 4oo DP1 is killer camera! Extra sharp, I'll try some B&W conversions in Ps ... ISO 800 is a little different, noise is not film like - like lower ISOs, there are
some moire too ... I hope that final product + post processing will make ISO 8oo
100% usefull :) . Big question is focus: is it quick enough? Does manual focus works well?
At first Glance the pictures look pretty sharp but they look very 'digital' to me with a fair amount of stair stepping - the downside to no AA filter I suppose.
Jury is still out - its still pre-production, but I think for a pocketable landscape camera my FM and provia will probably win the day.
If you want fast grainy street photos without shooting film then the GRD looks a better option I fear....
I agree with Nick above. So far looking at the test photos, they are indistinguishable from the throngs of other digital P&S pictures. Super clean, very sharp, ... and flat :)

But this opinion weighs more on the choice of the scenery.

I have always been curious as to the choice of full-day, sun-blasted scenery for a camera test. Every lenses nowadays perform "ok" under this condition. I guess I am asking too much from a dedicated review.

I'd like to see the camera in the hands of a gritty street photographer, low-light, up-close, and let's see if the big sensor can render the stuff close to film's depth.
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