so much negativity

those bubbles are just way too unsharp. Your lens sucks.
And camera too, and film, and sensor, and scanner, and monitor.
Even your photoshop sucks.
And don't tell me that you use gimp or some other amateur stuff.
How about peaceful coexistence?



Ok, negatives have the upper hand in B&W.....:D
One thing I've learned from reading photography forums is that most posters are OCD nerds that have nothing better to do than pick apart every little aspect of photography. Watching a debate on film vs. digital is about as interesting/intelligent as watching Star Trek nerds debate Kirk vs. Picard.

Not that I'm all high and mighty. I'm an OCD nerd as well. Just keep in mind that you're going to have negativity flowing when you put a whole bunch of anonymous OCD nerds together in an online forum.
35mm takes better pictures of cats.......

120 is for dogs only........

digi is for losers......... (except me of course :) )

Whatever, dude. My cat was superior to any foal or lamb. He was so mean that he went to Hell when he died, and just overthrew the Devil as the ruler of the underworld...lets see a wussy lamb do THAT. He is the king of negativity! :p


My cat's so bad that when he's not picking fights with our other cats he's rubbing up against and licking our dogs on the face which iratates the crap out of them:D
Let's be positive.

They give us those nice bright colors
They give us the greens of summers
Makes you think all the world's a sunny day, Oh yeah
I got a Nikon camera
I love to take a photograph
So mama don't take my Kodachrome away

- Paul Simon
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Ezri Dax can wump Picard and Kirk. (The guys who write the Trek aftermarket novels pushed her storyline years down the road, bumped her to Captain and gave her a slick starship to scoot around in. Gotta have fresh blood, 'cause Picard is old and Kirk is, umm, dead. At least, the real Kirk, not that adolescent hologram in the last movie.)

Semi-serious thought on negativity: We all have the habit of asserting personal opinions as universal truths. Since we only have words to work with here, we can't know if the other person is frowning or laughing. Many posts follow this pattern: "XYZ is better than ABC because of DEF and GBH." What's usually being said is this: "I like XYZ more than ABC because I really like DEF and GBH and can't get that with ABC."

So, If someone in real life says "Butter pecan is the best ice cream", everyone moves on. But, given the barren nature of a forum like this -- no vocal nuances, no body language, etc. -- no clues exist to tell us he really means "I like butter pecan the most" so we can, if we choose, take that as a personal attack on our own preference for chocolate ice cream.
So, If someone in real life says "Butter pecan is the best ice cream", everyone moves on. But, given the barren nature of a forum like this -- no vocal nuances, no body language, etc. -- no clues exist to tell us he really means "I like butter pecan the most" so we can, if we choose, take that as a personal attack on our own preference for chocolate ice cream.
Well said! Only truly great writers can come close to real life interactions with the written word.
Well, to crib from Oscar Wilde: photography is too important to be taken seriously.

Re film vs digital, how sharp is it, etc,etc,:different strokes for different folks. Be boring otherwise.