so much negativity


One of my better days
Hey thanks Stewart! My father had one of these single cylinder BMW 250's back in the day. His was black and had a sidecar. It was his only mode of motorized transportation, summer and winter. When I came along he had to sell it and buy a car.

BTW, I'm feeling very positive because just yesterday I fixed and successfully re-assembled my other motorcycle which had been sitting in the garage for 5 years needing a Helicoil for a cylinder stud.
well done ... that one looked pretty original, odd bits of tape holding the rubber bits together and a few chips but it looked like it was still working for it's living
For the fellow non-psychiatrists among you, that's obsessive-compulsive disorder -- I think.

And here I always thought over the counter drugs.

Was that before or after he was an odd and overweight Boston lawyer?

Senile. Don't for get the mad cow.

He came out with the album Has Been (which I actually like a lot) while Boston Legal was still on the air. In the last episode the Shat is wed to David (S)pader's character by Justice Scalia.

(That's funny, "Shat" is allowed but "*****r" gets censored.
I have a dachsund and a shi-tzu that like squirrels - raw or cooked.
And I love ice cream and gelato, especially when caramel is involved ...
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What I find amazing about RFF is how much time is spent arguing about arcane stuff and how little people talk about images (or share their own). In fact if you follow the links in the sigs of many of the most vocal members you will find mediocre images at best....

But there are some great and generous people here on RFF, which is why I keep coming back. Here's a flower for you!
sometimes the negativity, the gotcha, the combativeness just gets to a guy and i think i should just leave the cyber world and go shooting.

Great post! Faaaaantastic post!

And I really, really mean it!

Seriously though, I think the problem is that this forum is visited by a preponderance of opinionated, white, middle-aged, middle-class males with a bit of time on their hands (I am one). We are all committed to photography and have probably spent far too much time/money on it. We are naturally competitive and egotistical. Put a bunch of us together in the anonymity of cyberspace and what do you expect?

Yes, the forum is fun but the thing that's missing is the genuinely human interaction that you get when meeting someone. I so often wonder after reading a few posts "What is this person is really like?", which is why I enjoyed the couple of meet-ups I've been to. If we'd met that other poster in person we would be nicer to them.

The other day I read a thread where someone said they would rather talk with other street photographers (their peers) than with, for example, close up flower photographers. The problem is that I can understand that only too well and yet at the same time it seems rather sad.
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"To much negativity" is aha a pun is it not dear OP

To much NEGATIV ity?
You mean there is to much talk about film don't you!!!
You mean digital rules don't you!!!
You are the RD1 man aren't you!!!

Well I am the one who found you out, ain't I!!!

So that's why you did not comment on my deep and beautiful self portrait I posted on this thread!!!

Waw, trolling really makes me feel powerful and important :D
I'm with joe, I aspire to mediocrity ... and I'm pretty sure when I reach my personal peak it will prove to be simply the edge of a rut

some more second-rate flowers

I think that by and large everbody here bumps along rather well.There is the occasional spat but it`s but nothing more than you would get in an office and certainly nothing like as bad as you see on the road .....oh sorry off topic.
I'm glad that I'm just a recreational amateur picture taker. No pressure just take pictures and read about all stress of what to use. In the end, if it looks good to you , it's good. Unless you're doing it for profit, that's a whole different ball game. One time I'll go out with my slr, next time my Bess R3M, maybe the Ricohflex or the Vitessa. Get the pictures developed and relive the event or scene. Or if I'm in a hurry and need something small to put in my pocket; I'll use my wife's digital Elf. What a nice hobby.
