Sonnar Formula Lenses: "Normal Lenses" 40mm to 60mm, 4cm to 6cm, Any Make

You don’t seem to do things the “first time” in an understated fashion
Haha, thanks. I figure I'm only gonna have the opportunity to make a limited number of photos in my life, so why waste any of them on something mundane when I can as easily make something meaningful or inspiring, at least to me.

p.s., I do have my share of completely uninspired shots of brick wall type stuff when I'm doing basic testing, but whenever possible I try to make something memorable. When I first got the lens I probably tested it on a model head like cosmetology students use just to make sure it worked properly. But this session was its first real use. We were comparing this lens to a Canon 50mm f1.2 and a Leica Summitar. If you go to my Flickr page by clicking on this image you can see the results from all three lenses during this session.
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This old thread has a good start to it.

The Jupiter-3 5cm F1.5 and Jupiter-8 5cm F2 should be separated out as the optical formula changed throughout the run. There are two distinct Jupiter-8M, at least two distinct Jupiter-8 designs, and four distinct Jupiter-3 formulations that I've inspected.

Add the 7Artisans 50/1.1, very close to the Zunow 5cm F1.1.
There are two versions of the Zunow 5cm F1.1- different number of elements, the 7Art is similar to the latter.

And can add the Bertele Sonnar from Skyllaney to the list.
Can't get a close up to look at them but 2009, Iwo Jima vet? I can guess and all I'd do is offer a hand salute and say 'Yes, sir""How may I help you, sir" to him.

I can't see it in this image but if there isn't a third rocker on his rank insignia I'd eat my shorts. That's the kind of NCO the Corps was built on. And I say _that_ as a US Army NCO. We did the same job but with different needs and different outcomes. The men I had to lead had longer term jobs to accomplish; his had short, sharp, insanely hard shocks to achieve. Very different missions but both equally critical.
Milan 2023
Zeiss Sonnar 5cm 1.5 ltm (1937) with Leica M10. Brian put together this lens for me many years ago. Thank you Brian. I could have used many different lenses in this vacation trip, but I chose this one. I copied the DNG to JPG and I did no other adjusting.



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