Washington (state) Summer Time Vancouver Meet and Greet?

So this is just a bump to remind people...I'll bump it once a month say, until the date gets closer.

Still looking for a venue, any Vancouverites with suggestions?
I'd be interested in showing up to a summertime meet. I've not often got good reason to sit in the lines at the border. A meet would be a good reason.

Date and time? and place?
I just saw this. I'll be back in Canada by August, although I don't know what my plans are just yet. If it all goes according to plan, I'll be hanging around Edmonton about that time, so I don't see why I couldn't hop on the motorcycle/plane/train/automobile/bus and come out. I've never been to southern BC; this is as good an excuse as any!

Just keep bumping it up, and I'll come if I can.
I'm thinking more along the lines of taking the motorcycle. Your riding skills aren't too rusty, are they? :D

The train would be very cool, but I just checked, and it'd be about $500 and two full days of travel time round trip. :(
no bikes for me anymore.
when my blood sugar dips i get woozy.

i don't mind the time on the train but 500 bucks seems a bit much.

i'll have to re-think this.
Since I attended the Portland meeting last Nov. (from Seattle), it is only fair that I attend the Vancouver meet. Keep us posted on date and time.
So I've been a bit absent for a while, due to work and life getting in the way of my internet time. Gosh I can't wait for retirement...only 40 odd years to go! The meet is still on though!

Venue is The Kingston, still August 6th...A review of the place and a map

IT's coming up folks!
Awesome! I'm trying to give people as much advance warning as possible. The bar is a place my gf's sister works so I may be able to get us a deal...but no promises yet :)
I have a family trip in August and it may conflict with the Aug 6th date. If it does not I will be there.

That sounds like fun, I haven't been to Lotus land since waaaay back in the 20th century :D and I've been a flatlander for way way too long.
It is...and incidentally, Steamworks is where she used to work.

I think the Kingston is a little more fun, a little less, lawyer after work looking to spend his cash to impress you...
I'm still in as a "maybe" for this. I want very much to join in, but there's a stag party road trip to Vegas and the I-haven't-seen-my-family-for-12-months that might get in the way, tho'. If I can make it, I will.
I'll keep this date open. As much as a pencil mark on the calendar can allow, hopefully not to get changed by some freakish issue at work that needs my attention.

Russ Pinchbeck

PS: Let's set up a night before greet and meet and beer, cuz' it's my birthday don't you know...