the process of choosing...

back alley

Local time
2:30 PM
Jul 30, 2003
...drives me crazy!

since the announcement of the new fuji xpro3 i have been weighing the pros & cons of adding a new(er) body to my kit...the xpro3 is interesting and i like it but i wonder the sanity of another even more expensive body...the xpro2 is proven, much cheaper and easily obtainable new.
then i consider what i already have...3 xe3 bodies and a bag full of lenses...and i really love the xe3...the feel, the images, the price!
so maybe not a new body but a new lens...perhaps the fuji 90/2..i love the images that are made with that lens.

...or maybe just keep the money in the bank and plan for a holiday to santa fe?
Well, maybe the sensible thing is to save your $. However, we want what we want. Why not sell one X-E3 and buy a used X-Pro2?
The 90 is perhaps the best lens of all the superb Fujinons. I’m also surprised by how much I enjoy shooting with a 135mm equivalent.

I wouldn’t get any X-Pro unless I needed the OVF, which I don’t....
G.A.S. and not letting go for old bodies.
I'm still using EOS 300, EOS 500D, got EOS 55 and EOS 5D MKII (again). My photography doesn't change, not benefiting from it. Even if I'll get EOS PR. (Less expensive than Fuji X Pro 3, but FF :) ).
the xe3 goes for too cheap around here...not worth they go for about $777 cdn.

As you know, the x-pro series is my favorite. I bought both the 1 and the 2 on day 1. However, this is new one is $2000 plus tax (US). It’s a little different for me. A bit of a big purchase to do it on impulse. I'm going to wait a little longer this time... make sure it is something I really want. Well, living in Chile and wanting to buy in the US keeps me from making impulse buys anymore.

You’ve always preferred the X-E. A used Xpro2 is pretty cheap these days. I’d sell something to try one and still be able to take the trip.
G.A.S. and not letting go for old bodies.
I'm still using EOS 300, EOS 500D, got EOS 55 and EOS 5D MKII (again). My photography doesn't change, not benefiting from it. Even if I'll get EOS PR. (Less expensive than Fuji X Pro 3, but FF :) ).

There is certainly something to be said about being satisfied. He has nice equipment already that’s for sure.
I've been to Santa Fe many, many times. It's worth a trip. It's even worth not buying a new camera/lens to go.

But it's gotta make you happy, whatever you decide.
New Gear is always Fun
But perhaps sometimes it’s a cheap ‘thrill’

This Time I would choose a Holiday
Quality Time for the Soul, The Creative, The Gear You have

Enjoy !
Well, if you get another camera, you HAVE to get another bag. Just sayin'. :D

The X-Pro 3 appeals to me a lot, although I have never shot with a Fuji X-Trans camera before, and these days I'm looking more for the 35mm format look in my images. As much as I like m43 and aps-c for smaller cameras, the 35mm look just speaks of classic images to me. I'd get a Nikon Df or Z6 before a X-Pro 3 in my current way of thinking.
A new camera often seems like a deus ex machina for creation, but in reality one should think what really will it bring specially in this age where most options are way past the threshold of sufficiency and bring high quality.
Some of the folks I'm hanging around lately are having way fun with crappy toy cameras.
New Gear is always Fun
But perhaps sometimes it’s a cheap ‘thrill’

This Time I would choose a Holiday
Quality Time for the Soul, The Creative, The Gear You have

Enjoy !

Agree with Helen choose a Holiday,,after all once the shininess of the new camera wears off you're basically left with the same basic 3x2 window on the world as your current cameras give you. A Holiday on the other hand will give you a view of some place different even if its only for a week or so and you never know you may return home with a fresh view of your local area.
Go to Sante Fe, Hock a couple E3s and then go to Bryce and Moab on your way home. It's the pictures that count. There's no significant improvement in the XP3 that I can see.