Things I've learned about myself this past month...

Recently, I wanted a square format camera and was looking at film cameras like the Mamiya 6 or Fuji GF670 (I wanted something with a VF at eye level). However, the cost of film and processing in Chile (when you can even find the film), plus the cost of those cameras these days turned me off. Also, I really wanted to use transparency film which is crazy $ these days. It got me thinking about using what I have. I have a Fuji GFX-50R, which is digital medium format, but I typically use it in its native 4:3 RAW. However, once I really started thinking about film use etc, I realized there was nothing wrong with using the GFX in square mode using jpegs. They are still 38mp files and will still be more flexible than film for my use. So, I did it and I've been really happy with the results. I've learned that I can use jpegs when there is a benefit. It also helps probably that I like digital.
What I learned...

The moment when you stop caring what other people think; when you start to disregard people's expectations of what a good photograph is supposed to be… when you look in the mirror and say to yourself I know what I want to create and then you follow through with it - that’s the moment when you’re free. After that creativity can flourish; all will be what was meant to be on your creative journey. It's truly liberating!

All the best,
I agree completely. There are definitely times where constructive criticism comes into play i.e. when it comes from people with real experience and great work. Other than that, you can't let people drag you down... especially with camera talk, film vs. digital, etc.
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