thinking of the x-pro1

jsrockit said:
All I know is that my M9 hasn't got much use since I got the X-Pro1. I never felt that way about the X100. The X100 was always a backup camera. The X-Pro1 is now my main camera.

I've only had limited opportunity to use my X-Pro1 but find myself giggling like a school child when I do.
I hope you're making the right choice here Joe because I still believe the best work I've seen from you comes from your RD-1s.

But like you say auto focus is becoming more essential for you of late so perhaps it's a move in the right direction?
I thought about it but decided it was not cost effective. For myself as I own several Leica/Zeiss lenses it would be more cost effective to purchase an M9. With the Fuji, which is not full frame, a serious drawback, I would need to spend approximately $2600 incl. shipping and or taxes. It would more cost effective to spend that money on an M9 as I would not need to purchase any lenses and still have film backup. If I were to go with additional Fuji lenses the cost goes up and the M9 becomes even more attractive.
I am in the same boat as you, in a way: I have held on to my D700 despite its coating of dust (not really dusty, but it elucidates my point about how little it gets used) because I think that it has more value when I do use it then getting rid of it altogether. Then again, maybe I'm best just parting with it since I don't use it...

I love the X100, and the reason I didn't jump on the XP1 immediately was the size of the lenses. They are, frankly, a bit large. The X100 fits easily in a coat pocket, whereas the XP1 seems too big for that. I am happy to wait for now and shoot my M6 and X100 in tandem. Perhaps the XP2 will grab me more than the XP1, who knows...?

I'd say think about what you use your Nikon kit for. If you do work that you actually get paid for with it, then perhaps it's worth keeping until you're sure you can accomplish the same work with the XP1. If that's the case, sell it. On the other hand, if you're only in it for the hobby, and you don't like shooting with the Nikon kit, then why haven't you sold it already?!

Hope it works out,


i make no money with my cameras...just spend it! ;)
i like the nikons but don't love them...i have over the past several years, bought and sold an om and a sony kit with no regret... i assume the nikons will be much the same.
i cannot bring myself to sell the rd1 system though...i just love that machine! and the few lenses that i have for it.
i had fun putting the nikon system together...liked playing with the macro shooting flowers and the 85 is my favourite lens...the built in flash was even sorta cool...but i much prefer the feel of a rf and the fuji is as close as it gets with af as part of the i'll keep the rd1 till my eyes completely fail.
the nikon is still here because i just finished putting it all together and i dread selling it in pieces and trekking to the post office 7 times should it all sell seperately.
I hope you're making the right choice here Joe because I still believe the best work I've seen from you comes from your RD-1s.

But like you say auto focus is becoming more essential for you of late so perhaps it's a move in the right direction?

both rd1s stay keith...till the dark takes over...
Well ... if you still have the R-D1s and lenses then I would go for it (the X-Pro1).

I was in a similar situation until recently, still had my Nikon SLR kit mainly for sentimental reasons (my first "serious" cameras) but did not use it at all due to my eye-sight. Then the XPAN bug did bite me ... no way I could afford an XPAN without selling something else first. So my entire Nikon SLR kit (F3HP, FM, four lenses, SB12 flash) and also my VISOFLEX II kit went to a new home and I bought the XPAN with one lens. :)
I sold my M9....

I sold my M9....

I sold my M9 and purchased a x-pro1. Mostly driven by the realization that my aging eyes weren't enjoying manual focus like before which was taking the fun out of using the M9. So I sold it and used the proceeds to buy the Fuji camera and lenses.

The x-pro will soon have a M adaptor so I will still be able to use the lenses. in the meantime, I also also picked up a Ricoh GRX to use my M lenses but haven't taken it out since the x-pro1 arrived.

The hardest part about selling the M9 was mostly emotional. In the meantime, I like the direction Fuji is taking with their X series. I jumped into the X100 and despite the early issues, grew very fond of the camera. The same is true with the x-pro1. Auto focus may be slower to some users but I haven't seen it nor did I care when I read some of the early reviews. Having the option of auto along with manual focus suites me much better.
I sold my M9 and purchased a x-pro1. Mostly driven by the realization that my aging eyes weren't enjoying manual focus like before which was taking the fun out of using the M9. So I sold it and used the proceeds to buy the Fuji camera and lenses.

The x-pro will soon have a M adaptor so I will still be able to use the lenses. in the meantime, I also also picked up a Ricoh GRX to use my M lenses but haven't taken it out since the x-pro1 arrived.

The hardest part about selling the M9 was mostly emotional. In the meantime, I like the direction Fuji is taking with their X series. I jumped into the X100 and despite the early issues, grew very fond of the camera. The same is true with the x-pro1. Auto focus may be slower to some users but I haven't seen it nor did I care when I read some of the early reviews. Having the option of auto along with manual focus suites me much better.

Wow, quite the endorsement. Can't wait to hear your impressions after further use.
Joe, I kept my M9 and lenses, but I ended up selling everything else I had and buying into the X-Pro1. Including film gear. This has given me one great manual focus system and one great autofocus system--sort of like several years back, when my film rig was the M2 and Contax G2. If you told me then that there would be comparably satisfying digital equivalents in 2012 I would have been shocked. But here we are.
I have been through that cycle 3 or 4 times in my life. In 2004, I sold a bagload of Nikon stuff for the Leica D2 hoping to simplify my life with a digital that has an integral lens.
Then I stumbled up a Nikon D60 for a bargain and bought it and the GAS addiction got me again, and I have 6 or 7 lenses for it now and I am thinking to toss my bag overboard again and buy the X100 and simplify my life (again).

Maybe if I keep typing, it'll help me make up my mind . . . .
i cannot bring myself to sell the rd1 system though...i just love that machine! and the few lenses that i have for it.

They would make a really nice pair together.

I love the XP1. And it works really well with either my ZI or R4A loaded with film, or the M8; much better than paired with my Contax Aria (which is about the same size). Something about the similarity of the viewfinder.
I made the jump from a DSLR rig to the xpro1 with all the lenses.
the things I truly miss is
-the instant shutter (the xpro1 has a lag)
-the seamless operation (xpro1 has a lot of functional tricks you'll need to get used to)
-the fast focusing (the xpro1 misses focus, cannot lock focus, and is very slow while failing. I rarely had any of these problems with my 5D2)

you'll gain in
-awesome lenses (optically exceptional and unique)
-compact size (incredible advantage)
-amazing colors
-excellent sharpness
-impossibility to get moire in any situations
-invisible camera (no one cares about it, no one stares at it, everyone thinks it's film and think it's a hipster's accessory, strangers allow you to take their photo ect...)
-less back pain....
-exposure comp through the EVF is magic

anyhow you REALLY have to consider the focusing. every time I touch a friend's DSLR I start a debate in my head.
on the other side, I just bought a X100 to replace the one I sold when the XP1 came out. Going to give it a little while and decide if the XP1 gets sold (work is buying me a OM-D kit to document several projects coming, too).

The XP1 has some serious improvements over the X100 (quick menu, sensor, etc.), but I'm finding that the X100's form factor was just right for what it was (digital Canonet/Hexar) and the XP1 feels big. I wanted the X100 with me all the time, I've not made that connection to the XP1.
I sold my D7000 kit, intending to purchase an X-Pro 1, since my X100 was, to me, so impressive. Now, I hesitate because the X100 is SO GOOD and the Low pass filter never needs cleaning! I bought my X100 at a substantial discount. Maybe, if I wait, I'll get lucky again. But the pressure may build to where I have to get the X-Pro 1.

I'm really glad (and grateful) to see Fuji making cameras close to my ideal.
I sold my M9 and purchased a x-pro1. Mostly driven by the realization that my aging eyes weren't enjoying manual focus like before which was taking the fun out of using the M9. So I sold it and used the proceeds to buy the Fuji camera and lenses.

The x-pro will soon have a M adaptor so I will still be able to use the lenses. in the meantime, I also also picked up a Ricoh GRX to use my M lenses but haven't taken it out since the x-pro1 arrived.

The hardest part about selling the M9 was mostly emotional. In the meantime, I like the direction Fuji is taking with their X series. I jumped into the X100 and despite the early issues, grew very fond of the camera. The same is true with the x-pro1. Auto focus may be slower to some users but I haven't seen it nor did I care when I read some of the early reviews. Having the option of auto along with manual focus suites me much better.

That's quite a story, John.

Although I use the M8 much less now that I have the XP1, I'm very reluctant to sell it. Since there is a lot less money tied up in that than in an M9, it's easier for me to keep it.
Do you need an X-pro 1 right now? You could wait a year (or at least until post photokina) til something better comes out and pay half of what you'll pay now. Nikon d90's don't have much further to depreciate. Nikon lenses barely depreciate at all. in 6-12 months the X-pro 1 will lose alot of its value as the new latest and greatest comes out