Thorsten Overgaard's new article on M9M

Is he a native English speaker? Might be willing to give him a pass if he's not.

Surely he's German. Lives in Berlin, writes English like a German would. Griping about typos on an internet forum is " giving out speeding tickets at the Indy 500."
As I tend to do high contrast, I've been looking at the Jacob Aue Sobol pictures with the M-Monochrom as well. Then I also processed some of the M-Monocnrom files that Jono Slack has provided and feel that I am able to get the look that I want, which I could not get with an M9 or an M8: high contrast, deep blacks, combined with beautiful mid tones and highlights — all this by shooting for the highlights and lifting the shadows while apply the new black slider strongly in Lightroom 4.1. With this experience, I want to get this camera.

The only doubts are about the cruddy 250,000 dot LCD, on which you cannot really judge exposure but are limited to using the (large) histogram — important because there is no possibility for highlight recovery — AFTER the shot because there is no Live View. In this respect, am also wondering what the M10 will bring at Photokina — how will it differ for B&W?

—Mitch/Chiang Mai
Scratching the Surface

Mitch - I'm interested to read your concern about the LCD. Thorsten O also stated somewhere in his articles (perhaps about the M9 rather than the MM) that he also reads the image on the screen and doesn't study the histogram. This surprised me as I would be happy to have a histogram alone with no image - because as you say the histogram is critical for digital exposure, and apparently even more so with the MM.
Surely he's German. Lives in Berlin, writes English like a German would. Griping about typos on an internet forum is " giving out speeding tickets at the Indy 500."

I believe he is Danish. I've heard him speaking (through the english-language Rangefinder Moment podcasts), and he has a strong but pleasant accent.
Thorsten is a good photographer. He is not a technician. He says what he "sees'. Like it or look elsewhere.. Erwin Puts gives very detailed information, that leaves me groggy!
I shoot pictures. I will use film but now prefer digital. So far NO Digital can cope with highlights. So getting better, none equal to a fine grained BW film.
Some of my cheap point and shoot compacts come close! The early Kodak Easyshare 3.2mp, The Sony Dimage 6mp.
The Kodak has the M8 magenta!
The Minolta has weird reddish color but BW, that is really like film results.
If I won the lottery, I still would not buy the MM.
Well maybe...
Its an amazing camera. I love mine. Coupled with the 35 lux FLE its about as good a tool for B&W street digital that you'll find available today.