
I missed this one...this was her last day...she passed at 6:10 pm
I had to leave for a short time...I had planned to return when Hospice was to pick her up to transport her there...I got a phone call from the hospital letting me know what happened...I had stopped taking pictures that day around 2:00 pm...
She spent 7 months in and out of that hospital...I was there most of those days...spent many hours by her bedside...I knew she wasn't doing well when I left that day..I figured she had one maybe two days left...I had talked with her sisters and told them to come see her by Tuesday if they wanted to see her...I didn't think she would have passed in the few hours I was gone...I sometimes feel bad for not being there...

Thank you all for your kind words...
Not knowing that the last time in the hospital would indeed be her last time there I decided to go ahead and take my camera everyday...there were days I shot nothing and days I did...I journaled most days...something I've never done before but I knew I would want to look back at all this and remember...
Our relationship wasn't always the best and even in her last month we had heated words...but before the end we had a moment of Forgiveness and I was able to let go of things and times I could in no way change...as the saying goes..."Not even God can change the Past..."
Dave...Thank you for this thread on "Time"
Before leaving my house on July 21, 2014 I had the radio on and the last song that played that day was Alan Parsons Project's "Time"...I had to listen to it in it's entirety before heading to the hospital...sometimes I cry when I hear it...but I still love that song...

Begging your indulgence for this short series, but the relevance will emerge if you view them in order--and since this is about time, take a moment with each before scrolling to the next....





As photographers we are slaves to time and place.

As Ralph Gibson has pointed out, (quoting from memory here) "If there's to be a hanging on the town square at 3 o'clock unless you are on the town square at 3 o'clock you miss the boat."
Fajada Butte - Chaco Canyon


Near the top of the butte is an archaeoastronomical feature known as the "Sun Dagger". The Chacoans carved a spiral there on a rock face on which shafts of sunlight appear at midday to mark the solstices and equinoxes.
Sundial, Yamashita Park​

Photographer: Yokosuka Mike
Sony A7III camera
Voigtländer 50mm f1.5 Heliar Classic SC VM lens
February 2024 - Yokohama, Japan​