Canada Toronto: Queen Street 'Rangefinder' Walkabout- March 15th 2pm


Girl Wonder
Local time
6:37 AM
Mar 10, 2008
Hey, guys.

*Note: Time has changed to 11:45 am at the McDonalds in front of Varsity Stadium, Bloor Street West*

We'll meet at McDonalds (192A Bloor Street West; we can meet inside the doors) - You can get off at St. George or Museum Station) at 11:45pm. The parade is set to start at 12pm.

Here is a link for details on the Parade:


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I wish I was still in the city, I'd go for sure. It'll be hard keeping the group together when you have to pass by Downtown Camera and Henry's (even Vistek if you go far enough East). :D
Great idea. Put me down as a possible. I am leaving for Austin for SXSW two days later, so it will depend on whether I have my work under control or not. I'll let you know closer to the walkabout date.
I'm glad to see that people are interested.
It may be easier to just confirm by posting in this thread if you are coming.
I'll throw my hat in for this one - put me down as a maybe - I don't know what Josee has planned for that weekend (if anything).

Bumpity Bump.
Frank E suggested that we do the St Patrick's Day parade (which is the same day as the rangefinder shoot).

So, how about meeting at 11:45 am, at the McDonalds on Bloor (St George Subway)

Who's in for a rangefinder shoot with an Irish Twist? Street shooting at it's best!
Sounds even better, although I guess I should bring some colour film for this one! Thanks Shelley-Ann, I'll see you there and introduce myself.

Added: 300,000 made it out last year, so we'll need a little luck o' the irish to cross paths!
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Frank: Josee is the new SWMBO. :p

I can't make this one, but I'm thinking we should start planning an April or May RFF meet?
Would someone who is definitely going to this meet up please PM me. I need a cell phone number in case I get there late so I can still find you. Is there a plan to settle down for beverages later on?
Gee, Shelley-Ann, I wish this had happened while I was in Toronto! The Eaton Centre is very close to where my wife & I stayed. I was there almost every day. Yonge street, I believe? There was something going on there, absolutely every day! Clowns on stilts, musicians, sidewalk artists. The Ryerson University Campus, just a couple blocks away, is a good place for photos as well.

So. Maybe next time. The wife and I will be packing for France on the 15th. Have a good time!

Oh. there is this castle that a fellow built. A bit far from Eaton Centre, but the wife & I actually did walk to it. I recommend it if there is time!
Hey, Rob - I think you mean Casa Loma.
It's a great place - and they allow you to bring tripods, too!

If anyone needs my cell #, PM me.