Canada Toronto Rff Meet Jan 28 @ 13:00


Canadian & Not A Dentist
Local time
9:22 AM
Jun 16, 2005

Seeing as how I've been busy enough lately with work (both full and part time) I've neglected locating a decent pub/location for our meet that I wanted to have happen this I'm delaying it till next weekend.

Please post here with a "ya, I can make it" so that I can get numbers.

I'd like to keep it in midtown - perhaps up around Yonge and Eglinton or Yonge and St. Clair.

Again, with the weather being so spotty I don't think we can get any real "shooting" done per se :( but I'm always open to suggestions since I'm the one that suggested pulling this thing together :D

Feel free to toss out anything.. I'm easy.... not cheap.. but easy.. :D

Dave, I can make it then. Especially after hearing your promise of demonstrating how to load a Leica IIIc while running down the street after a fire engine. I just *gotta* see that! :D

Ok Chasing a Fire Truck. How about while driving one. Now that's a skill. I will try for the 28th but will not know for sure till Fri. On the topic of fire trucks here is a pic of what happens when you mix freezing rain and cars. Tues afternoon. No I didn't take it with a rangefinder. Didn't want to get them wet.
flashover: Oooh, BAD can-opener. It amazes me that every year, with the first snow, freezing rain or whatever, a significant portion of the population thinks that just maybe God repealed the laws of physics in the last coupla months.

Dave, Gene, et al. Don't think I can make it the 28th. I think my kitchen renovation is calling me. Yuck.
Dave, I'm a definite maybe.

Yonge St. Clair places to drink, yes. Interesting... lots of expensive houses and condos;

Yonge Eglinton, places to drink.. yes. Interesting.. fewer expensive houses and condos but more of them in numbers.

Queen and University , theres the Rex ... lots of expensive but small lofts.. interesting more than the other two,

but.... maybe too close to home?? figuratively speaking.
The Rex might not be a bad idea Jan.... I think they have afternoon Jazz going on on Saturday and it is definitely big enough.

I don't know about the regular..umm.. clientelle :) that can sometimes be there but it's a possibility. It's a bit further south than I wanted some folks to travel in case are coming from the north :) but it's a great suggestion; especially for available light jazz shots.

Maybe what I'll do is scout out the location possibilities this weekend.

I'm bumping this to see if anyone else is interested - Earl, keep going on the reno... I know what it can be like :) Flashover, no problemo and stop chasing fire trucks :)

Sorry, I won't be able to make it this time. My work schedule has changed with the new year and guess where I have to be. Maybe next time.
I might be able to make it, but will have to wait till mid next week to find out. I'd love to meet everyone in person.
dcsang said:
The Rex might not be a bad ........... Flashover, no problemo and stop chasing fire trucks :)


Dave Pick the spot and I will try to get there. Oh BTW I am not a Chaser, that's what we call the tow truck drivers. I was driving the pumper in the middle of the picture.
heh..ok.. so you're not chasing .. and yes.. I would concur.. tow truck drivers and lawyers :D

I'm bumping this so that we can get some more exposure.. and you all know how much I like to expose myself... :D

Here's another thought The Domion On Queen (Queen St. E right next to Vistek) has Saturday afternoon live bluegrass music (at least it did the last time I was there)... so there's some consideration to that location as well.

Bumping again:

Do I hear an "either/or" : For your perusal - (featuring the "Ed Vokurka String Ensemble" from 12 noon onwards)

Sadly The Dominon On Queen doesn't have a website (and no, it's NOT a supermarket :D) - but here's the website for the entertainment that I mentioned:

Now you'll note that they don't come on until 3:30pm and there is a cover of $5.

So let's hear it ....

Jazz, bluegrass, I like 'em both so I'm good either way (and I promise to leave my 5-string banjo at home ...)

GeneW said:
Jazz, bluegrass, I like 'em both so I'm good either way (and I promise to leave my 5-string banjo at home ...)


I'm sort of not surprised that you play a banjo... :D

I used to play a musical instrument and I'd probably need a lot of practice to get back into it but man.. it would be culture shock for most of you guys :D

I've NEVER told anyone this: when I was a kid, I took ... accordion lessons!

Now I jsut strum a bit on guitar, so I'm cool again.
Have to take a rain-check on this dad. I'm not far and I look forward to the pleasure of meeting all the RFF members from the GTA in the near future.
FrankS said:
I've NEVER told anyone this: when I was a kid, I took ... accordion lessons!

Now I jsut strum a bit on guitar, so I'm cool again.

Hehe.. Frank, you and I have something in common.. and it ain't strumming on the guitar or being curmudgeonly :D

OK, I'll delay the kitchen reno and high-tail it up if Dave and Frank promise to play the accordian. The mind boggles.