W/NW: Anything 4x5

This is one from my "Hunting Camp" project.
Crown Graphic / Kodak Ektar 127mm f/4.7 / Fujichrome Provia 100
Yes Isaac Chen is the best source for Era sheet film. I like it too, use 4x5 & 8x10 Era.

Shanghai from China is another good option, I have 4x5 and 5x7, but have yet to give it a good go. My 5x7 tests look very good, so far.

It was not easy for me to get the top and low part in focus.

What is the best way to dev the 4X5 bw film ?
Some great shots!

Makes me realize I need a coated lens - I like the lower contrast, but that veiling flare stinks. (A better scanner might help too!)
Thanks a lot for the comments about my Durdle Door shot, I used the Nikkor-SW 90mm f4.5, a Toyo VX-125b, Fuji Provia 100, and converted in Photoshop.
Thanks Keith, Foggie. I wish I took the time to clean it a little better. I printed this on 20X24 inch glossy fiber paper back in college and and to this day it remains one of my favorite prints.