W/NW Architecture

Yokohama Marine Tower​

Fujifilm X-H1, Fujinon XF 33mm f1.4 lens
Astia film simulation
Yokohama, Japan - April 2023
Image is lower resolution than original​

The first aid station and watch tower on the Back Beach in Vung Tau. The watch tower was a war relic: before 1975, Vung Tau was an R&R destination for American and Australian soldiers, and troops in the watch tower would keep an eye on them down below on the beach and in the surf. The tower was fortified since Viet Cong snipers liked to shoot at it. Alas, during my last week's visit to Vung Tau, I found that the station and tower had been demolished, and not even a morsel of concrete remained.

The former French Customs Office on the bank of the Saigon River. Behind it is a wall of hotels and office buildings. It is also one of the first photos I could make, after a long and very strict C-19 lockdown -as in not being allowed to leave my house. Epson R-D1x - Zeiss Biogon T* 2.8/28 ZM. Cheers, OtL