W/NW: Dogs


Nikkormat FTN, Nikkor 50-1.4
Some years ago I was traveling through LA and stopped to visit with a fellow I knew from Flickr. He is an excellent photgrapher and has a standing rule that all visitors must pose for a photo, no smiling. So here I stand with "Mr. Mouth" whose real name was Ace. He was a Schipperke, a breed that the AKC suggests is not a good first dog. They are independent minded and runners. If not fenced in or restrained on a leash they are gone. This guy pulled that stunt for years. When he got older and ran in the neighborhood I would just leave the front door open and the little ass would just come back in the house having had his fun. He died last year and was the end of 30+ years of Schipperkes. I miss him terribly. He was a great little guy, loyal. affectionate, impish and a great travel companion. We traveled the US together. So, here he is, smart-ass little rascal that he was. He is the one being held aloft.

Ace aloft.jpg
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Some years ago I was traveling through LA and stopped to visit with a fellow I knew from Flickr. He is an excellent photgrapher and has a standing rule that all visitors must pose for a photo, no smioling. So here I stand with "Mr. Mouth" whose real name was Ace. He was a Schipperke, a breed that the AKC suggests is not a good first dog. They are independent minded and runners. If not fenced in or restrained on a leash they are gone. This guy pulled that stunt for years. When he got older and ran in the neighborhood I would just leave the front door open and the little ass would just come back in the house having had his fun. He died last year and was the end of 30+ years of Schipperkes. I miss him terribly. He was a great little guy, loyal. affectionate, impish and a great travel companion. We traveled the US together. So, here he is, smart-ass little rascal that he was.

Sorry for your loss.

Interesting breed, I had not heard of them before.
Sorry for your loss.

Interesting breed, I had not heard of them before.

Thanks. The little shit is buried right outside my window as I type. Finally he is somewhere where he will not run away. LOL I used to tell people that Schipperke was Flemish for "Bad Dog". It is not. It is Flemish for "Little Shepherd". They were bred down from a larger breed and have been around for ~400 or 500 years. Always bad dogs the whole time. LOL This is when I had a mob, three of them. They were unruly. And mooches as you can see.

The Mob.jpg
OK, the final pic of Ace. He would pretend to be napping but a quick glance in his direction showed he was watching. One of his big fears was that I would go for a drive without him. Dogs love to go for rides and this guy was almost impossible to get a leash attached as he was dancing around in excitement. The answer to "Do you want to go for a ride?" was always a hearty "Yes!" Copilot, navigator and flight engineer.
