W/NW: Signs

Foy's Souvenir & Gift, Panguitch, Utah. I was, um, curios to see if they actually sold film inside, but the store was closed so I didn't get a chance to find out. Frame 37, light fogged end of a bulk loaded roll, cropped to 1:1.

Nikon FM2n, AI Nikkor 50mm f/1.8S, Kentmere Pan 400, developed in LegacyPro L110 at 1:31 for 5.5 minutes.

2023.04.13 Roll #330-08072-positive.jpg by dourbalistar, on Flickr
"dreamers" is the US term for those brought into the US illegally as young children who are now productive members of society but still considered illegal immigrants and subject to deportation. This is a group of local high school "dreamers" at a protest.
