Walter Kluck, the Man who Saved the Leica M System

Two months ago I bought a camera body/lens combination as I try to simplify my shooting options as I approach retirement. This is one of the last, if not the last film cameras I will ever buy.* The camera I bought was a Leica M4-P and 50mm Summicron, both made in the Leitz factory in Midland, Canada. Only since them, have I been aware of the history of Canadian Leicas. Articles like this, and others about the optical designer, Walter Mandler are fascinating!

* Since I have a 15mm Voigtlander lens that uses an external viewfinder, and is not rangefinder coupled, I'd like to get a Leica MD-2 for it. They are almost identical to the M4-P, except they have no viewing optics at all. And of course, they were made in Canada!