Weekend Photography Plans: What are you up to?

Did a 2 hour shoot yesterday morning, in a local park, with one of my favorite model's. Shot 3 rolls of Fomapan 200 through My Bessa-1 and a roll of Fuji-Superia 400 through the M4-2.
Plan on heading into DC in a few hours to check out a show of William Eggleston work at the Corcoran Gallery. Going to bring the M4-2 and few rolls of film and see what fills my view finder.
It's a great lens, Raid. The pix look very much like the ones shot with a 21/3.4 Super-Angulon. The Canon 19 should fit any LTM camera.



I have read something about the lens rear part hitting the meter ... etc. in some cameras. I was even told that the Canon P would also have problems if used with this lens. I never experienced any problems.
My wife reminded me gently that we've been married for 15 years this weekend. So I'll take her to a fancy restaurant today. In the meanwhile I'm going to visit an annual sales exhibition for old photographic equipment. Just browsing and taking some photos, I'm not going to buy anything... ( yeah, right)

Congratulations on this important event. Go out and celebrate. I have been married nine years [July].
I just found out that this weekend there is a music festival in Pensacola. This is a good time for using the 19mm lens with XP2. Yippeee.
Yesterday I spent some time exploring some parts of my neighborhood I hadn't been to yet and some places I had been to but didn't have a camera with me. Of course I had my M6/50mm + XP2 and I also brought the Canon 20D and Contax 28/2.8. Love the Zeiss glass on the Canon (big surprise).

Today I'm going to check out the High Line (www.thehighline.org) in Manhattan. Definitely gonna have my M6 with 35 and 50 loaded with XP2 and still deciding on what to put on the Canon. Think I'm gonna want some wide so I think I'll go with the 10-22mm but may just stay with the Zeiss 28 after seeing the results from yesterday.
In the end, we just drove to Destin (Florida), and we walked at the boardwalk of the Harbor Village. I used the Canon 19mm mainly.
It is weekend again!

I will continue doing what I started today, and that is to try out a 35mm 1.4 pre-asph Summilux. I will take photos only at 1.4, playing with the OOF backgrounds.

What are you up to this weekend?
A moto-photo weekend

A moto-photo weekend

Tomorrow i will attend a vintage motorcycle show at the local BMW-Ducati dealership. I'll pack my Leica M6 with 35 and 50 Summicrons, my Nikon FM2 with 24f2.8 and 55 f2.8 Micro-Nikkor, and a bunch of 100 slide film. Should be around 100 deg F tomorrow afternoon so I plan to be done by 1.
Hi Raid,

Hoping to find some time to test BW400CN with the IIIf & Summitar. If I'm lucky, I'll find some places to try out f2 & a filter to really stress that C41 B&W film a bit.

Have you had a chance to give the 75 'lux a workout yet?

My big weekend was the previous one, spent in the Poconos, with uncanny-great weather. Still working my way through the images; between that, and a little weekend tech-gig stuff, not much snapping this time around. (Just as well...weather here won't be so hot anyway.)

- Barrett
There's a seafood/blues festival all weekend, if it's not raining I'm going to finally test out all my new lenses. Need to find a smaller/more comfortable bag though. carrying several lenses in your pockets gets annoying, and most bags are pretty uncomfortable when its 90 F and humid outside =\
I'm editing photos from two photoshoots this week. In between I'll be scanning 6 rolls of 135 and 3 rolls of 120. I'm also installing some new cabinets in my office to store all my bodies and lenses. Supposed to go for a hike on Sunday, weather permitting, and will try to shoot a roll or two.
Ambitious plans as always - we'll see what results
1. Go for a run
2. develop a couple rolls from my backlog
3. Shooting - Nikon RF today , need to finally try out my dilettante's Miyazaki 50 1.3
4. Film - try to see Surrogates - I'm a sucker for bad Sci-Fi
Shooting and printing some LF stuff today. Tonight a "Ghost stories and Tall Tales" storytellers thing. That will be mostly digital, but I'll have the IIIF loaded with Tri-X as well.
Hi Raid,

Hoping to find some time to test BW400CN with the IIIf & Summitar. If I'm lucky, I'll find some places to try out f2 & a filter to really stress that C41 B&W film a bit.

Have you had a chance to give the 75 'lux a workout yet?


Hello William,
I started out with the 35mm 1.4 since it is on loan to me whereas I bought the 75mm 1.4. The 75mm lens will be used this weekend!
many lenses to try out but can't decide.:bang:
fujinon 50/2, voigtlander 50/1.1, voigtlander 15mm, nikkor 50/1.4 S.C., canon 135/3.5, etc.
Heading up to Bangkok Sunday and back on Tuesday - just a quick biz trip!!!

Fuji Klasse W, M2/M6, 21mm/35mm/90mm 4x Fuji Acros, 2x TriX, 2x Fuji 1600
I'm trying out my new to me Mamiya Super 23. What a beast. The 100mm f3.5 lens has a bit of a sticky/sluggish shutter due to not being used for years. I have to exercise it a bit with the dark slide in, before removing the dark slide and making an exposure. Once the roll of 120 HP5 is done, I'm hoping to develop it right away to see how the camera works.


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