Weekend Photography Plans: What are you up to?

The weekend has started, so what are you up to photographically?

I will use my Pentax 43mm lens and the rigid Summicron.

Enjoy the weekend.
Should I soup the film in dilute magic mushroom soup or cannibus sativa tea in remembrance of Woodstock? Ordinary tea and coffee just seem so pedestrian. I can't remember the time and temperature for either one after 40 years. Hell, back then I couldn't remember time and temperature after 40 minutes.

I am serious though about wanting a model for some medium format B&W photos.

To set the mood, if I can convince myself to hook up the turntable and speakers, I have the Doors, Grateful Dead, Pink Floyd, Rolling Stones, Cream, Bob Dylan, etc. and a great collection of delta blues on the original vinyl and in good condition. Nice analog music. The 1960's live forever!
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Today, I took photos at the beach in the late afternoon/early evening hours. There was a beach wedding,as I often see at Pensacola Beach on Saturdays. I used a Canon IVsb with a Kobalux 28mm lens, plus a Bessa T with a 50mm Summicron.
Going to Nantucket this up coming weekend; joining the family; they are there for 2 full weeks. Will bring the M2/Zeiss Biogon 21/2.8 and at least 10 rolls of Fuji Neopan 400.
I shot a few pix of rainy parking lots and a few frames of people sitting inside restaurants by the window, shooting through the rain dappled glass. Some had neon signs inside. Both situations are things I would never usually shoot. I still had a couple of unshot frames on the 12 exposure roll of 120! I also got into conversations with several people about the Minolta Autocord, shooting film in general, and developing and printing B&W film. The interest is out there amongst younger photgraphers. If their Daddy didn't have a TLR they've all see seen them in films so they immediatly knew it was a camera and thought that looking down at the ground glass was kinda cool.

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There is a tropical storm around the corner,and it may provide a good photography opportunity of the beaches once the storm is gone today.
It is weekend again! What a great concept to allow people to unwind [if they can].
While the fasting month has started today, it will not keep me away from photography. It just requires careful planning and timing.

I decided to use SLR equipment the coming days. In particular, a Pentax Spotmatic F with the SMC 85mm 1.8, plus a Super Program with the 17mm, and the MX Super with the 50mm macro.

What are you up to?
Somehow, there was no posting last weekend by anyone.
This is a nice weekend for photography even though there is rain now and then.

What are you up to?

I will use the Heliar 50 2.0.
Took a bunch of photos at a picnic by a lake today. It was with my digital P&S so I don't really have hopes of it being fine art. But then you never know.
I'm in Full Domestic Mode this weekend...whipping the place into shape, mostly because it seriously needs it, partly because we're making a special dinner for Galfriend's younger son, who's heading off for Wesleyan (first year) on Tuesday, and his older brother, who was graduated from Vassar in June (which I copiously documented).

Maybe next Friday, when I plan to grab one of the bikes and make an early run to Ft. Tilden Beach for a few hours' solace before diving headlong into Labor Day weekend. :)

- Barrett
I'm on the tube into London to cover the Notting Hill carnival. It's work so I'm laden with my DSLR kit, which I've stripped back to basics for comfort and the ability to take my BBB2 bag. With the crowds, crime and my bad back smaller is certainly easier.

I've also managed to put my Oly OM2 SP with 50mm & 35mm lenses in there too. The usual strategy being Digi over one shoulder ( my prefered method with big SLRs ) and the OM2 round my neck.

I'd been led to believe the temp was due to be around 30C but it certainly doesn't look that way at the moment. If it stays dry I'll be happy and hopefully I can get some shots that actually make me happy as well as the client!
Spent my weekend in Newfoundland mostly shooting B&W (which I will develop when I get home) but I've shot a few rolls of colour.


Since you ask... Take shots of a few rocks with digital and 35mm camera and the Nikon PB-4 bellow. Trying to use only natural light and a lot of reflecting cards(want to compare with flash shots I got) and playing around with the tilt and shift of the bellow to see if I can get something nice... Ah...yep, all will be Nikon, the digital camera, the F2 and the pre-Ai 55mm macro...
