Weekend Photography Plans: What are you up to?

I started out this afternoon with a couple of rolls of Reala through my new to me Bessa I. It's "only" got the Vaskar 105/4.5 Triplet but I have high hopes for this folder. I hope to get out & finish the roll of Tmax 100 in it right now.

Shot a couple fo rolls with my new ZM25/2.8. About to deve and scan and I'll probably stick the 50 on my 5D and take pics of the children tomorrow

Gear: M8 with CV 35/1.2 and Mamiya AFD/ Kodak DCS pro back with Hasselblad 110mm f2.

Place: Kamakura, then Yokohama, and if time permits, Shinjuku.
This is an active weekend, as seen above from your postings.

I am waiting for 3 more 50mm lenses to arrive as loaners before I will get busy weekend after weekend on lens comparisons.
It is weekend again, and maybe you have some time to take photos.

I took today three rolls of film as part of the 50mm lens comparisons. It was very hot and humid, and the sweat was uncomfortable.

What will you be up to?
I'm supposed to be going to a birthday party tomorrow night that's being held at a local coffee house. The birthday "girl" is also one of their regular folk singer/guitarists. I'm toying with the idea of mounting a flash on an old Graflex side bracket and shooting a roll or two with the circa 1959 Minolta Autocord that I just got working again. TLR, B&W film, direct flash on camera, side shadow and all, a straight out of 1959 look to the photos.

Went hiking with my 3 kids today and shot a roll of Ektar with the Nokton 1.1 on a Bessa R2. The waterfalls were flowing and beautiful, but the mosquitoes were rather vicious. :eek: Shooting an engagement session tomorrow, which will be a first for me.
There's some carnival rides in town, shot and developed a roll of Ektar 100 taking my daughter out for some rides. It's here all weekend so I may be going back if the rain stays away (we missed a few rides).
I will tomorrow try out [again] several 50mm lenses.
First, I will meet with Robin at Starbucks for some RFF chatting and good coffee.
Falling farther and farther behind with my 1-2-3 Project. It's too hot to be outdoors with a camera.

That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.
I have half a roll of Tri-X still lurking inside a Minolta Hi-Matic F that I bought for $1 a while back. Time to finish it.
Not taking pictures but visit the "Camera Work (A.Stieglitz) exibition with some friends, just for visual culture.
Waiting for my M6, so right now I'm going out with the Hasselblad.. street photography with that thing is pretty good fun (just changing rolls on the sidewalk isn't).
Today I'm gonna photograph Mother Mallard's Portable Masterpiece Company at the Johnson Museum of art at Cornell. These guys are pioneers of synthesized ensemble music and are really good. I'll probably use a DSLR...
Well so far last night I chased the sunset getting to Hope Gap near the Seven Sisters pretty much bang on time to get the sun coming down. (Do a Flickr search, you'll find something there) I was shooting FP4+ (needed a coastal scene of the South Downs for B&W Mag's B&W Photog' of the Year compo) --- it was bloody gorgeous up there, warm too, watching the waves lap in, the sun slip down below the horizon, the chalk cliffs gleaming with golden orange (yes, I was shooting B&W!) and then the sky turning pink with the clouds ignited in a plume of sunset red. Gorgeous.

Then I went for a bit of a drive (more of a reccy) to scout out my 4th and final shot which I had a hunch I would find on the South Downs Way's Bridlepath route which I have only walked bits of (whereas I have walked the whole 100miles of the South Downs Way last year, this very week actually but it divides with the last ~12 miles splitting, brideway is inland and the the main footpath dives off down to the coast and the rolling cliff-face walk where the South Downs career into the sea.)

Found just what I was looking for so I shall return next weekend weather permitting at dawn. (An early 4am start)

Then I got back, and set up the bathroom to do some printing, packed up by 1am and today I'm off down to the seafront in Worthing to photograph some of the festival that is on this week and the American Custom Car show is on down in Steyne Gardens so I shall crack open some chrome (Elite Chrome probably) and take some shots of the cars and so forth.

All in all, a photographically rich weekend (I do try to do as much as I can)

(All with my M2 + Serenar 50mm of course)
I used about 15 50mm lenses today. I am worn out, but I am looking forward to the results.