Weekend Photography Plans: What are you up to?

I apologize that this is off topic, but Barrett, do you happen to be headed to Vassar? I ask, as a graduate of 2000.
In fact, yes...galfriend's older son is "being graduated" (I've been recently told this is the proper terminology) on Sunday. Hoping for at least not much rain. (His younger brother, after thinking it over a bit, decided on Wesleyan for this fall.)

- Barrett
Rose Festival started today here in Portland. I shot a few rolls of Tri-x and tested out the new Canon 1.4 I got in a trade. I love it and am looking forward to a weekend of carnival photography. Good times!
This weekend? Tomorrow a former girlfriend is supposedly driving from Tampa to at last pick up the rest of her things that have been cluttering up my house for two years. Then I'll be helping my friend Bonnie Schwartzbaum with her campaign for a seat on the North Miami City Council for pretty much the rest of the weekend, which will include attending the Memorial Day sevice at the veterans' memorial in the park. I'll have my Bessa L with the 15mm Heliar, probably the Leica CL with the 40mm Summicron, and several rolls of Kodak Gold 200. I expect most of the photos to be boring "grip 'n grins", but money is money.
I took this morning two rolls of film with the Canon P with Canon 19mm lens. I then started using the Canon 35mm 1.5 a little. The weekend has barely started, so there could be more photography here.

Keep up your good work.
This weekend? Tomorrow a former girlfriend is supposedly driving from Tampa to at last pick up the rest of her things that have been cluttering up my house for two years. Then I'll be helping my friend Bonnie Schwartzbaum with her campaign for a seat on the North Miami City Council for pretty much the rest of the weekend, which will include attending the Memorial Day sevice at the veterans' memorial in the park. I'll have my Bessa L with the 15mm Heliar, probably the Leica CL with the 40mm Summicron, and several rolls of Kodak Gold 200. I expect most of the photos to be boring "grip 'n grins", but money is money.

You seem to be haing a full weekend! Good luck with the ex girlfriend.:D:cool:
And over on this side of the pond...took a few shots for a friend of her new foal. Going through the shots that I took at Badminton three day event two weeks ago. First extended use of the 90 Elmarit M. Very pleased with it.
It's weekend again; what are your plans photographically speaking?
We have good weather, so I will exercise some lenses this weekend.
My camera bag has right now in it:
two Canon P cameras, Canon 35mm/1.5, Nikkor 105mm 2.5, Zeiss Jena 5cm 1.5.

I look forward to every weekend.
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The cameras here will mostly be idle, although the little Contax will be with me (work to do Saturday, hopefully a bike ride with a friend early Sunday, then more scanning and editing to catch up with later in the afternoon...I'm gaining ground on that front, at least).

Otherwise...plans? Photographically speaking, I've got lots of plans, and not just for the weekends ahead.

- Barrett
I'm back from a week's holiday at the coast, so it's catch-up time before returning to work next week. I've developed three rolls of film and four sheets of 4x5 this morning, with another 4 sheets yet to do. There's also about 350 digital images to sort and weed through. Before that I'd better do some washing!
I have a gig playing in a civil war brass band this weekend in Milwaukee; it's a "veterans through the years" living history, lots to see, so I am taking the M, some K64, and 35/50/90

I have rigged up a spare officers' haversack (black painted canvas) with a Domke insert as a camera bag; I can stay "in character" as needed, and shoot in between sets.
I have a gig playing in a civil war brass band this weekend in Milwaukee; it's a "veterans through the years" living history, lots to see, so I am taking the M, some K64, and 35/50/90

I have rigged up a spare officers' haversack (black painted canvas) with a Domke insert as a camera bag; I can stay "in character" as needed, and shoot in between sets.
Trés cool, b.c.! Wouldn't mind seeing a few photos from this when you can manage.

- Barrett
Bean Counter, that sounds like a lot of fun, from many viewpoints.

My weekend is none too exciting. I'd like to take out my recently returned DR Cron with either FP4 or Ektar to put it through its paces but it's likely going to be cold and rainy all weekend, so it may not happen.

More likely I'll end up trying to organize my negatives into some kind of system (a need which has become painfully obvious) then head into the darkroom when it gets dark tonight.
I took a few shots with the Sonnar 5cm 1.5 at Starbucks this morning. Nothing special, but the photos may come out nice looking.
I hosted a meet-n-greet for the cast of Cinematic Titanic (the creators and original cast of Mystery Science Theater 3000). I didn't use an RF, but did get lots of photos with my Canon g7.
Joel, Trace, Frank, Mary Jo and Josh were great. I transported them from their hotel to my store and back again. It was great fun. I can post pics later if any are interested.
Working on my blog design that I'm hoping to rollo ut shortly. Just need something more focused than Flickr.
It is weekend again. The weather is warm, and the sky is blue, so what kind of photo activities will happen to you? [it rhymes]