Weekend Photography Plans: What are you up to?

Taking the m3 cv40 1.4 and some tri-x to a dilapidated power plant for some urban exploration.

Should be good times.
Wish your daughter a Happy Birthday from all of us here, Raid.

G-d & the post office willing, I'll try out the CV 35/2.5 Color Skopar tomorrow with either a roll of Reala or Ektar. Both if I get on a roll... (rimshot). ;)

I used the Rokkor 21mm 4.0 [SLR lens] on a Canon P with a Leica-Minolta adapter. The weather was gorgeous. We had deep blue skies with strong sunlight, showing off the green crystals in the Gulf of Mexico waters.
It is weekend again, and the weather is wonderful here in Florida. I will make some changes in which equipment to use fromlast weekend's equipment.

I wish you a great weekend of photography.

What are you up to?
It's early Sunday morning here in Happy Valley. Looks like being a stinker 35 degrees C. But it's open day at Government House in Adelaide so I might wander down with my M6 and a couple of lenses, the 18 distagon and the Hex 50 2.4. And worse come to worse a pale ale or two at the Exeter in Rundle Street if it gets too warm.
I don't want to rub in the news, but we have absolutely wonderful sunny weather in Florida. It was a t-shirt day today, and it felt great.

I had many things to do, so there was no photo taken today. It may be tomorrow ...
I had planned to go out and finish the film in two of my camera's, maybe capture some autumn colors, but unfortunately, the weather has been against me.....again....

Rain, rain....and rain.

At 1:30am it's dry, there is a beautiful star-filled sky out there now....
But to quote that professor from Futurama: "But I'm already in my pyjamas" :(

Maybe I'll have some luck in the afternoon. I got some loiter-time.
I guess Raid is not around to get this rolling. What's everybody up to this weekend?

I'm hunkered down -- remains of hurricane Ida coming through, rain, rain, and more rain -- but I just picked up an Epson 4490. Planning to finally get my RFF gallery started.
I am here, and was just about to ask:"what are you up to this weekend"?

So there still is an effect from Storm Ida! We had wind and rain,but then things calmed down by last Tuesday evening.

We have gorgeous weather today. Dawn and sunrise were awesome, seeing the red water glow on Escambia Bay from the kitchen window.

I wish you all a great weekend.
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Same "lovely" weather here (of course), but I'm heading upstate with galfriend today to visit relatives of hers for a bit. Was going to just grab the Tvs, as usual, but I think I'll have the M2 as well.

Edit: Glad things have cleared up there, Raid! (Sun has to be shining somewhere today, right?)

- Barrett
Same "lovely" weather here (of course), but I'm heading upstate with galfriend today to visit relatives of hers for a bit. Was going to just grab the Tvs, as usual, but I think I'll have the M2 as well.

Edit: Glad things have cleared up there, Raid! (Sun has to be shining somewhere today, right?)

- Barrett

Thanks, Barrett, and I hope that things will also clear up at your end of the woods. Have fun on your trip.
In Adelaide, South Australia it's going to be 40degrees C. today (Sunday.) Had hoped to take my new CV50 3.5 Heliar out for the day but I'll probably batten down the hatches then take the dogs down the beach later in the evening.
weekend plans

weekend plans

not much. just waiting for mr wrist to heal from carpal tunnel surgery. life gets interesting when you lose the use of your right hand. and capitals get lost by the wayside.


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