Weekend Photography Plans: What are you up to?

I've been scanning some negs and slides; was hoping to do a print last night but realised I'm all out of fixer! D'oh!

I may also start tonight to scan at very last my North Downs Way chromes; but I have also been writing my book too so, too little time for everything!

I'm also keeping myself busy as tomorrow I find out whether I have been shortlisted in a photography competition, fingers crossed! :)
not much. just waiting for mr wrist to heal from carpal tunnel surgery. life gets interesting when you lose the use of your right hand. and capitals get lost by the wayside.

That sounds bad, Frank. I thought that I had a need for such a surgery last year, but it turned out to be something else, even though it was painful, I was told. I had physical therapy followed by wearing a brace at night so I won't somehow put pressure on my hands. Now I am OK, I think.

I changed the computer mouse to one with a ball so that my wrist does not have much pressure. I use a thumb to move the cursor. It helped greatly. My wrist pains started after downloading/editing hundreds of images on the computer.

Welcome back!
thanks raid. i've had this issue for a while, having done a lot of work with a chainsaw in my 20's.
As long as the operation will reduce the pain and will allow you to continue doing what you like to be doing, all is fine.
well i can sort of hold a camera again, and there is a big photo gear flea market tomorrow. looking for a nd filter for my hexar af.
I recently adjusted the RF on a Minolta 7Sii, I'm back in Roch for awhile, so I may head to South Wedge tomorrow morning for some shooting.

Leafs beat the Caps tonight, so the world is glowing. ... :D
I found my old Spiratone soft focus filter in size I Rollei bayonet so I'm hoping to run a roll or two of Arista EDU 400 through the Rolleiflex T. It must be thirty years since I last used that filter. Are there any ladies in the South Florida area that would like to model for me? Young, old, fat, thin, we're just trying out a soft focus filter, right?

We now have in the USA an extended weekend due to the Thanksgiving event here.

Today, I took my girls to the beach. It is a day with awesome weather. The sky was deep blue,and the water of the Gulf of Mexico was green-blue, while the sand was sugar white. I took photos with the CV 25mm 4.0 on a Canon P. The light was so good that the results most likely will also be good.

What are you up to ... wherever you may live?Just a fewdays ago, we had this:

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Well Raid ,bit of a contrast over this side. It`s been raining hard for two weeks with high wind and daylight is short. Still a few of us are heading out to Manchester on Sat to see if we can capture the Christmas lights and Christmas markets.

Well, Michael, living in Florida is pleasant in the fall and the winter months, but things get humid and uncomfortable during the hot summer months. "Spring" is either wonderful or very wet with rain.

Have a good one.
That sounds bad, Frank. I thought that I had a need for such a surgery last year, but it turned out to be something else, even though it was painful, I was told. I had physical therapy followed by wearing a brace at night so I won't somehow put pressure on my hands. Now I am OK, I think.

I changed the computer mouse to one with a ball so that my wrist does not have much pressure. I use a thumb to move the cursor. It helped greatly. My wrist pains started after downloading/editing hundreds of images on the computer.

Welcome back!

Jeez, guys...be careful with computers and such...DAMHIK...

on the other hand, you need to know. Two years ago, I lost the feeling in my left hand and unbearable pain in the whole arm. Turned out to be an ulnar nerve that was damaged at the elbow from grueling hours on the computer designing land developments and damned Photoshop.

You see, if you rest your arms on chairs, desks, armrests in the car, etc. it can easily damage the nerve. Subsequent surgery and now 25 months of rehab and I am about 95% better. The other arm is beginning to suffer the same along with tendonitis.

Soooo, I have to keep BOTH arms straight as much as possible and watch what I do on the keyboard! Try sleeping at night without bending your arms some time...sheesh.

The good news is weight lifting helps both the tendonitis and the constant rehab from nerve surgery but the pain still drives me crazy just at a much lower intensity than before, so, no pain pills.

Did I mention that damned Photoshop? LOL...one more reason I love film.

wow dave, that sounds rough!

i can almost make a fist again. this weekend i'll be visiting my parents. plan to take a train or bus as driving with one hand is iffy.

my domke 803 is packed with 2 hexar af's (one colour, one b+w) a cl with cv21 and 50, and a medium format fuji gs645 folder.


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    carpal tunnel scar (Small).jpg
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Take it easy until you fully recover.

Thanks for the warnings. I am using the computer far less often for photographic purposes that I used to in the past.
Yesterday, I set up the darkroom and spent the day printing...Today, I went out to shoot some of the wonderful clouds...
I'm testing a, new to me, Mamiya 645 45mm 2.8 lens and also enjoying the view with the WLF...I love the angles you can get when using the WLF...
I might develop the two rolls of Neopan 120 film I just shot...
I used a Minolta Rokkor 35mm 2.8 on a Standard Leica, and then I switched today to the CV 25mm 4.0 on a Canon P while I had a Zeiss Opton 5cm 1.5 on a Leica M6. The weather changed from dull to awesome.
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Not much photography going on in my house, just spending time with the kids. Mind you, I have 11 hours to go for bidding to end on a camera I am after on fleabay!
Thanks , Raid. The weather held off and the German Christmas market in Manchester was busy. Didn`t spend too much money in the Leica shop (£12 for a strap). M9 delivery is estimated Jan for one ordered now. Not that I will be ordering one. I did see a Hexar for sale though. Bob ?