Weekend Photography Plans: What are you up to?

Thank you, Raid. I appreciate your kind thoughts.

I finished Roger Hicks' book today (except I skipped the chapter on printing since I don't have a darkroom). He gives a good overview of black and white photography, and does not dive into nitty-gritty detail that often. I found it inspirational, as he makes clear that it is possible, with practice and hard work, to become excellent at the craft and art of photography. After all these years, I am still trying to get better. That's why I want to get out there and take pictures!
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It is weekend again!
I am in Bostom MA for 3 days, and I will return tomorrow to Pensacola.
I used the LUMIX digital camera for colorful leaves close to Harvard University. The 38mm-422mm Leica zoom is great for street shots.

What are you up to this weekend?
friday: x100 firmware was updated, thanks to my bride.
today: this morning, did some macro snap shots now that this function is working well (why i care is beyond me; i am a horrible macro composer). the rest of today? we shall see. the x100 will go everywhere with me today.
sunday? who knows? perhaps some grandson shots.
We're finally caught up at work. Been working 65 hr. work weeks & what little shooting I've done, I've had to force myself to get out of the house to do. Now I'm off til Tuesday then off Thurs. & Friday so I can get caught up on some things. YAY!!!!

Got a black Canon AV-1 in the mail, put new light seals in it & loaded it with Tri-X. It's an apreture priority camera. I didn't know Canon made one in the A Series, so I'll shoot that to test for leaks. Plus I wish to shoot the roll of Plus -X in the Bessa R for the Tribute Project. I also have rolls to develop & send to the lab.
I am glad to see the Canon FD system being used.
It was pushed aside for a while, but fans are plenty everywhere.
I always take photos just for fun.
How else would it be fun?

I think I just chose my words poorly. I was fooling around yesterday with a technique someone else showed some samples of online. When I said just for fun, I guess I really meant I had very low expectations for my outcome.

I will say I am planning on having fun trying out a new technique. And by the way, I did have fun.
I think I just chose my words poorly. I was fooling around yesterday with a technique someone else showed some samples of online. When I said just for fun, I guess I really meant I had very low expectations for my outcome.

I will say I am planning on having fun trying out a new technique. And by the way, I did have fun.

I see what you meant, Gary.
It was fun after all.
more not-using-a-camera it seems, but probably still ok. brought home the Beseler 45MXT last weekend, this weekend it's sorting out darkroom gear, cleaning and aligning the Beseler, and hunting eBay and such for negative carriers for the beast. if I can source suitable light sources and carriers for this one, the other (3!) enlargers that have found their way into my life can go find new homes.

that said, i really should spend some quality time with the 6x7, will make a point of it tomorrow if time permits.
Now that RFF is back on its feet, we can again share our weekend plans.

We have great weather in Pensacola (Florida), and I am looking forward to enjoy the weekend beyond giving a final exam this Saturday! On Sunday afternoon, I will meet with Robin (RFF member) at a coffee shop.

What will you be up to?
I will develop a couple of rolls of film I shot over Thanksgiving. One roll is some Plus-X for the tribute thread. It may be foggy in the morning. If so I will try get something interesting.
It is weekend again. I may exercise some old camera for the fun of it. In particular, I am thinking of the Voigtlaender Prominent and the Konica IIIM.

What are your plans for the weekend?
Need to finish a roll of Adox 25 ART in a Leica IIIc. I'll take it for a walk if the weather cooperates.

Need to put a test roll through a Kodak Signet 35,
a Voigtländer Brillant and another Leica IIIc.
Need to finish repairs on a Zeiss Ikon Ikoflex III.