Welcome to Helen's House of ..

Glad to see your new column, Helen! And hope you are doing well..!!
For me--virtually no travel, so not as many photos. But still snappin' away at a few things.

Just saw Stephen's note: Congratulations on your new forum!
I look forward to seeing what conundrums you come up with. :D

It's always a pleasure to see your photos and posts! :)

big hugz!

"No matter where you go, there you are."

This looks like an excellent start!
Been out for a week or two and this what's been happening in my absence? Maybe I should take a long hike. Haha. Welcome Helen. back?
Spot the Heretic wearing one of those new fangled Rollei cameras in that miniscule 2 1/4 square format ! That's the thin end of the Weegee ! It'll never catch on ..........

Looks like there may be a couple of those tiny 2.25x3.25 Speed Graphics in the mix, too!