Welcome to Helen's House of ..

That's fair Helen... I was being a little sarcastic...:) But anyway I'm glad your sticking around...

Funny, but I did not threaten, just said I was leaving . my silly 'Ciao' thread
made it a few weeks, then re indulged here but no where near my usual participation

If You were to be a fly on the wall 35photo/Marko
then You would know there was no correlation to me departing and this forum vision of Stephen's... nothing so Grand or interesting really ... ;)

Stephen has been after me a year to do this and I always said nah...

Rff is a Fun place to be ...we are All here passionate and fickle
so it's enough in my mind to participate in Threads than the task of beating my own drum...
'Conundrum' if you will, a very clever spin I must say Mr Gandy !

so there You have it
Also there's an SLR there too!

I'd love to get my hands on one of those 2 1/4 X 3 1/4 with a grafloc back and Ektar glass......

B2 (;->

Yes. It looks like it may be a 21/4 x 3 1/4 also, but I am not sure. That could be Diane Arbus' camera (this picture was from around 1946-1949)!
Yes. It looks like it may be a 21/4 x 3 1/4 also, but I am not sure. That could be Diane Arbus' camera (this picture was from around 1946-1949)!

It could be, I have a 4x5 and I don't think 3ish x 4ish (they had several different sheet film sizes) would shrink it enough to look like it does to me too. I have to get off my lazy butt and start using my XE-3 (a few months old) before I even think about getting back into film.

Good eyes!

B2 (;->
Ok. So one of my genuine conundrums has been suggested.
Why do we not have more women RF photographers? I don't think there's fewer women than men, so.....
I sincerely hope that RFF does not discourage women from joining and participating!
I sure appreciate the great women we do have. Wonderful photographers and diversity of perspective, and more....
Also there's an SLR there too!

I'd love to get my hands on one of those 2 1/4 X 3 1/4 with a grafloc back and Ektar glass......

B2 (;->

I have one in it's original case. It has my father's name in gold on the front. It was his first camera.

I've used it with roll film and grafmatics. Also with flashbulbs. I fun camera.