What camera are you carrying RIGHT NOW?

Today was a Nikon F100 with a 50/1.8 and TMAX 400. Trying to figure out how ticked I am at myself for selling the F6.
I plan to do some shooting at a weekend festival. These three will be in the bag, plus the X-Pro I took the photo with.

I'm on a short holiday in the austrian Alps and brought with me my m7 with the 50 mm cron and a Nikon FM2 with a 20 mm 2,8. The Nikon will be used only to make photos on the road from the inside of my car. Films are Ektar 100, Portra 800 for the m7 and fuji superia 200 in the Nikon.
it's the long-term loaned Mamiya 7II with 80mm today. keep wishing i had the 65 or 150 for it, but hey, it's a loaner 6x7 RF, what more can a guy ask for?

speaking of which, shot the last frame coming in from the parking garage, time to reload.....
x100 got used this morning to record fire damage. someone set fire to our fish camp landlord's boat dock last night. i put it out this morning with buckets of water from the river. damage was confined to a corner, but much more than that will have to be replaced to make it whole ...
At home, but was out yesterday with my M6 and 28mm f/2.8/50mm sum micron. Ilford Pan F 50 film. Will be using it again today.