Which SLR has best autorewind sound?

dave lackey

Local time
4:52 PM
Feb 20, 2007
You know what I mean...nothing beats the sound of a precision auto rewind of film. It is so beautiful that movie makers continue to have the sound in films where the actors are using digital cameras!:)

So, which SLR has the best sound?
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Nikon F5, followed closely by the Nikon F2 with MD2/MB1 combo.

Rewind? My brain is shot for today, of course, I meant film advance!

My F5 was delicious, no doubt!!! Never heard an F6 on film advance though. For that matter, I need a power winder for my R4 to see how it compares!:)
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I have one of those scary 18 volt pistol grip winders for the OM ... it sounds as if it would like to eat the camera!

Kind of cool though ... makes you feel like a 'real photographer!' :D
Nikon F80/N80. Cheap camera, but its shutter sound + winder are as close to 'delicious' as anything can be. I've had an R8, F6, F100, FE2, F4, various Canons and Contaxes. F80 is IT. Close second — Contax RX?
They are all unpleasant, nasty and loud. The best for me would be one that made no noise whatsoever.
Nikon F5, followed closely by the Nikon F2 with MD2/MB1 combo.

I saw this and smiled...

Nikon F2 with MD2/MB1, followed closely by Nikon F5.


I agree more with this one...

The sound of the F2 motor drive is so "In your face"...you can hear those gears just grinding away...pure raw power...
The F5 is quieter. precise and to the point...a beautiful sound in itself...
Since I don't recall hearing most of those already mentioned, I can't say which would be better. I have used the Contax 139Q winder and the Yashica equivalent. Sounded cool, like a real photographer. :D

But I do like the sound of the Contax 167mt winder. Speaks of precision. Motor Rewind isn't bad either, in case you are asking.
I have the F-36, MD-1, MD-2, MD-3, and MD-4. Sold off the MD-11, MD-12, and MD-14. And the N8008s, N70, N90s.

The F-36 has THE Coolest advance sound.

Rewind sound: The N70.
I love the sound of my F5 winding. But it's NOT the classic chik-whine that you hear in the movies. Way too fast for that, after all the F5 can shoot 8 FPS. It sounds more like firing a .22 caliber rifle: BAK-shik. I have an old, third party winder for my OM1n that DOES sound like the movie sound. But I never use it. But if I ever wanted to sound like a photographer, that's what I'd use.
I quite like my afore mentioned pistol grip OM winder ... but I find the twelve AA batteries a bit intimidating! :eek: