Will the Leica M be back ordered to the extent that the M9 was?


Local time
2:58 PM
Aug 27, 2012
This is purely speculation, but do you guys think that the availability of the Leica M will be limited to the extent that the Leica M9 was? I remember the M9 being back ordered from months and months at a time. I sure how that it's not the case with the new M.
It's probably going to be worse : longer waiting lists :(
The camera has more mainstream features and will appeal to not just those with film Ms, M8s and M9s but also to CSC/EVIL and DSLR users.
It's probably going to be worse : longer waiting lists :(
The camera has more mainstream features and will appeal to not just those with film Ms, M8s and M9s but also to CSC/EVIL and DSLR users.

Same opinion here, I had stopped looking at anything Leica did for a long time and this camera, despite the first bad opinions from people who never touched the camera, appeal even to me... :D

Seriously, it's a much more flexible camera than the M9 and the price is also quite good at almost 500 US$ less than a D4...

I think that for once Leica made a properly priced product which can be used by many photographers, not a niche camera aimed to collectors.

All this means more order, longer waiting lists etc...

Yup, there is no doubt the 240 appeals to a broader base than the M9 so this may translate into a longer waiting period.

On the other hand, Leica is expanding their production facilities in Portugal and Germany so perhaps they will be in a better position to meet the increased demand.

In any case, the odds are the camera will be in short supply for some time to come. (Especially if they pull the "rabbit-out-of-hat" with regards to image quality.)
Well, Leica also make niche cameras aimed at users. As I've said many times, name one other current or full frame digital RF. Among film RFs, yes, the Voigtländers and ZIs are nice (assuming the latter are still available), but most people still prefer Leicas. Anyone who thinks that's pure snobbery is a fool.

Will the back-ordering be worse? My guess is yes.


Huh? It's still $7000. It's niche no matter what based on that price.

There are a lot of $5000-7000 cameras around nowadays ... The Leica M is just one of them, at the higher end of the range. They are all selling briskly for such expensive cameras, from what I've seen.

I think the new M is going to sell very well indeed.

I would think that some backorder would be part of the marketing strategy. Who wants an expensive camera that isn't "sold out"? I want to know that it is so hot that they can't keep them in stock. IMHO
only photokina orders: around 11000

production rate per workday (set goal of leica): 50

results in 220 workdays just to finish the photokina orders, not counting other orders.

production since august/september. you can make educated guesses about the availability

production at the new wetzlar facility isnt starting in 2013 I was told. so far solms is the only hope your customers wanting the M. gonna be a long wait.
There are a lot of $5000-7000 cameras around nowadays ... The Leica M is just one of them, at the higher end of the range. They are all selling briskly for such expensive cameras, from what I've seen.

What is well? Selling well for Leica would not be sufficient for Nikon generally speaking. It will not sell like a Nikon D800E. Just the fact that it is manual focus keeps it in a niche category. I know which one I prefer, but I don't think people drop $7000 on a camera in the same manner they do for $2000-3000 cameras. Most people think that is even crazy.
What is well? Selling well for Leica would not be sufficient for Nikon generally speaking. It will not sell like a Nikon D800E. Just the fact that it is manual focus keeps it in a niche category. I know which one I prefer, but I don't think people drop $7000 on a camera in the same manner they do for $2000-3000 cameras. Most people think that is even crazy.

"Selling well" is in the context of Leica camera sales, of course. Leica cannot manufacture anywhere near the quantity of cameras that Nikon or Canon can. What's selling well for Leica wouldn't pay Nikon's rent.

From another perspective:
Even if you consider it a "niche", Leica has also recorded the greatest year to year growth in profits during the past three years of any camera equipment vendor in the industry. That means their products are selling well, to me anyway. ;-)
Any M8 and M9 owner that is able and wants to take a 'big' loss on its current camera, will take the new M. Only some will (be able to) buy it without selling there M8 or M9....
Huh? It's still $7000. It's niche no matter what based on that price.

My apologies, I was looking at the M-E prices. Still, even at 7,000.- I find this is not a "niche" camera in the sense that you can actually use for almost everything in a convenient way. You are not limited to the 135mm, focal length at impossible-to-see framing or acrobatic tethering at the long end and you are not limited to the über expensive Leica glasses, you can actually use the camera for fashion, still life, macro, street...anything photography except sport, wildlife and underwater which notoriously requires different beasts. The absolute number of 7,000.- US$ is in line with similar products such as D4, EOS 1D and so on, and now that you can actually use the camera both with the original lenses and most other lenses you might have in live view possibly one might consider going "back" to rangefinder for real work instead of breaking the neck with a brick a-la D4.

Whoever buys it, whatever we think about it doesnt really matter. Look at the numbers. Its gonna be a long wait.