Would you buy a FULL FRAME Evil Camera?


Local time
5:05 PM
Feb 5, 2008
All of this cropped frame stuff irritates me. Many of us have large lens collections, and I would love to use full frame with these, especially lenses like the Noctilux.

So any rumors on a full frame camera?
The cropped lens deal is an issue for me as yes, I have lenses that I like, and I don't like telephoto lenses. So yes, I would be more interested in a full frame mirrorless camera. I don't care how big it would be, I would assume it will be somewhat smaller than a full frame DSLR, but I would not expect that size would be a selling factor for this type of camera.

Any rumors, no. But I am willing to start one.

Nikon has committed to their distributors that they will produce a full frame DILFF by July 1. I heard it from a guy at Buffalo Wild Wings wearing a Packers jersey.
I would definately buy a FF EVIL camera, provided it had IQ as good as the sensor of the NEX (which I find to be impressive).
of course... as long as its not a Leica (because I don't trust Leica).

I assume you're referring to something like an EVIL Leica-R solution camera; FF with no optical VF with the possibility of adapting Leica-M lenses.

I would only buy one if the EVF has a split prism focus screen to accommodate easy focusing with manual lenses. The high IQ is of course on any digi cams most wanted list.
No I want a reasonably priced 645 sized sensor cam with a nice wide angle, works on a pair of AA batteries and good for at least a hundred shots off alkaline. Just take that Fuji everyone is on about and make it have a big sensor, though the sensor off the S3 unscaled would be cool. Of course they could always make a digital Mamiya 7 with a 6x7 sized sensor. I am fine with it being 50-400 ASA as well.
Well, for me it's not about the image as much as the process. It's the difference between knitting a sweater and just buying one already made. Disclaimer: I don't knit.
Short answer is yes.

But it would most likely have caveats
#1: cost; obviously market will most likely dictate this

then the following factors
-image quality; depending on cost; as good or better than APS-C at a minimum
-size; should be smaller than a DSLR, hopefully Jacket pocket size.
-ability to use legacy lenses: M mount of course but I also have an investment in Pentax K mounts.
All of this cropped frame stuff irritates me. Many of us have large lens collections, and I would love to use full frame with these, especially lenses like the Noctilux.

So any rumors on a full frame camera?

90% chance Nikon will announce a FF evil this spring.

If it's small, under 2k, and will take all the legacy glass, I will buy one.

I don't care about the EVF, just give me a LCD like the Nex's, with focus assit.
90% chance Nikon will announce a FF evil this spring.

If it's small, under 2k, and will take all the legacy glass, I will buy one.

I don't care about the EVF, just give me a LCD like the Nex's, with focus assit.

I'd buy that too... but I require the EVF especially for manual focus.
I'd buy a FF evil camera -- so long as I could also adapt my Leica lenses to it. Otherwise, what's the point? No one's going to have the variety of glass I can get in vintage Leica-compatible lenses off the bat.
Short answer: no

Long answer.. I've no beef with the 1.5 crop on the NEX.. The wide end is plenty covered by the 16mm kit lens. If I were to buy a full frame camera at all, it would be a DSLR.. there restoring my 20 and 35-70 to their original focal lengths would pay off more.
Something akin to a 'FF' nex is probably the camera that I have been patiently waitng for these past five years. However, it has to be a complete system, not a 'half-system' like the nex's with no flash synch, accessory shoe or viewfinder options etc.

I don't think that the legacy glass is going to be much use on such a system apart from a few carefully chosen legends,....FF SLR's are very demading of lens quality and using most legacy glass simply trades back any advantage of FF. This is all too obvious as soon as you start making larger prints,...which is really why one 'needs' FF........
Yes, as long as the electronic viewfinder is as good as the current FF optical finders. If even slightly worse, then no.
90% chance Nikon will announce a FF evil this spring.

If it's small, under 2k, and will take all the legacy glass, I will buy one.

I don't care about the EVF, just give me a LCD like the Nex's, with focus assit.

I really highly doubt it - the nikon EVIL is supposed to have an even smaller sensor than m4/3.
Just give me the Fuji X100 with a FF sensor as good as the current Nikon D700 and taking M mount glass. As we are dreaming, keep the price under 3 grand.

No. I like built-in viewfinders, preferably optical, and quiet shutters.
But I would definitely get one if I was shooting landscape.