your real life one camera one lens kit...

How about this one?

real life rf combo would be my bessa r2a + zeiss biogon 35 f/2.0. i currently have the m-rokkor 40 f/2, and as great as that lens is, 40mm is just slightly too narrow...

edit: i jsut rechecked my pics with rokkor and there's nothing too narrow about that lens, it was just my gas speaking.

so, after a second thought, i could happily live with r2a + m-rokkor 40mm f/2
+1 on the Fuji 645, mine's a Zi. It's only got 1 lens so it qualifies. 120 blows everything else away!

While you are right - 120 does blow 35mm away, I'm not sure that it's the case for your ZI. I used to have one and that zoom on ZI is not as great as might seem. It's slow lens that slow to zoom and focus. That was the reason I sold mine. Plus while I love 6x6, I could never get used to 645 vertical format. In bright light and for vertical pics - ZI was a good shooter, but still not the one I'd go for. YMMV.
It changes all the time, but right now I'd have to say:

Leica M3 + 50mm Summar

Got a 'cron DR, but I'm not sure how well it suits me yet. The Summar is magic for portraits.
Bessa R with 35/2.5 Color-Skopar, the only LTM body and lens I own.

The rest of my rangefinders and scale focus cameras have fixed lenses.
Do those count too?
