How many different cameras do you use?

How many different cameras do you use?

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    Votes: 33 24.1%
  • 4 to 6

    Votes: 50 36.5%
  • more 6

    Votes: 55 40.1%

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Local time
11:31 AM
Mar 24, 2014
After many years and way more cameras than I can count, I'm down to three, a M4, Nikkormat FS and a Sony A7II that is used mostly for camera scanning (but I do have a really nice lens for it). So, in your rotation how many are actually used on a regular basis?
Sorry about the truncated third choice, the intention was six or more.
In the course of a year there are usually four cameras that I will used more than once. There are a couple others that I may pick up once every now and then, but I might also go a year or longer without touching them at all.
I'd say three. No, make that 4. Um, maybe 6. I don't use some cameras at all, and the ones I do use, not all to the same frequency. Two occasional ones are crop-sensor rigs, the M8 and Pentax K3, mostly to get more use from my widest lenses. Another occasional is just the opposite, the Leica S medium format one. The most often used is a Leica M-D 262. It's a matter of the whim of the moment colored somewhat by anticipated subjects.
4 at the moment (in no particular order )

- leica m2

- rolleiflex 3,5f
- nikkormat ftn
- nikon d60

5 if you count iphone xs max as a camera; pretty good indeed and i use it most, easily
Large Format - Ebony 5x7
Medium Format - Rolleiflex 3.5f
Tiny Format - Leica MP
For carry-everywhere, I usually take one 35mm film camera (OM4, IIIc or CL) and a Fuji Instax (either the Mini 9 or SQ6), as well as my cell phone which I'm not counting here. If space is at a premium I usually take just the Rollei 35S or the IIIc.

For landscapes and wave pictures I sometimes carry a Bessa II in addition to either the OM4 or IIIc. If there's a pretty sky or nice colors for landscapes and I might take the Instax 300 wide but that's a bulky camera so I might only use it a few times a month, if that counts as regular.

There's some other cameras I use but not quite so often: XA4/XA, Nikon F80, 124G/635 Yashicas. It depends on what I have in mind and how I'm feeling.
Too many. Probably I'll sell some of the bodies I have but try to keep the lenses ;p I always found features I wanted on older/newer models and kept ordering different ones.

Really got into gear but probably need to simplify and focus on the images, but I enjoyed learning about different systems.
in alphabetical order...

Canon 5D MKII, Fuji x100t, Leica MP, Nikon F3P

... there are a few more, but less frequently used.

Hasselblad 500cm
Bronica 645rf
Leica M4

The M4 is new to me and it has me concentrating on 35mm at the moment.
In the last 12 months I’ve run at least one roll through about ~15 bodies (35mm and 6x6).

Of those, the M2 and a Hasselblad back pretty much always have roll loaded, a handful are in regular rotation, and a few have only shot a test roll to keep everything exercised.

FujiFilm X-Pro3
Leica IIIb
Leica M6TTL Millennium
Leica M5
Rolleiflex Automat K4
Rolleiflex 6008 Integral

80% digital, the other 20% split between the film cameras.
I use every camera I own except one.

Fujifilm X-Pro3 and X-Pro2, X100V, X-H1, and an Olympus XA2 (very slowly using one roll when I remember to).

I have a Bessa R2 in the USA waiting for me to pick it up. COVID-19 messed that up so I’ll likely have it shipped to a friend for him to use it. Also, I just received the X-Pro3. I’ll keep my X-Pro2 though I’m sure I will not use it as much now.

PS: and the iPhone 11 Pro...
Regularly? Maybe 2 but that is now due to the pandemic. If that weren't a factor, I think the number would be 9.
Phil Forrest
4 for now.

4 for now.

I purchased a Minolta CLE last year so I am now actually using 4 cameras, two of them film and two of them digital. I have owned my Leica M6 TTL for 20 years. My digital cameras are a couple of Canon Point & Shoots that I'd guess I have owned for more than a decade, a SD880 IS and a G10.

However, I purchased the Minolta CLE and a couple of M-ROKKOR lenses to try out as a possible replacement for my Leica M gear. I've only just now begun to use the Minolta, so it's still possible that I might find myself back down to just three cameras. In addition, my son expressed an interest in using the G10 not long ago, in which case I could find myself down to just two cameras.

None of this takes into account my iPhone — an older SE model, which certainly counts as a camera as well. The iPhone is actually quite handy and I always have it with me. Yet I still prefer to use the little SD880 Elph when I remember to bring it along primarily because I much prefer it's ergonomics.
I've tried in the past to go down to only one camera system, very minimalistic, but I get bored easily. Inevitably, after a couple of years, I'll get sick of using the same camera gear over and over, even if it's my favorite. I suppose if I traveled a lot maybe one system would work, because the different localities would offer variety, but I'm not in a position to do much traveling now. So I've built variety into the hardware -- rangefinders (a couple M2's) with different lenses, many of them of the same focal length, ditto with a couple SLR's. My better half shoots MF and her camera shelves are like, ha, ha, a black hole. Once we get something in MF, we never get rid of it. Otherwise I'm constantly turning over different gear. Getting stuff for the user experience then passing it on to someone else. Less so now then in the past, but I find the only way to know if you like something is to get it in your hands and use it. Unfortunately, as I get older, I'm favoring lighter and lighter stuff, because my back is getting more and more achy. So that plays a role too; finding stuff I like to use, takes good pics, and doesn't bother the back. In a way, it's a continual, evolving thing. But the search for the perfect system is probably a fools game, because there isn't any. Pros and cons to every system.
I rotate around my cameras, at least the ones I can remember I have, as whim carries me. That includes:

  • a small format digital 3x
  • a medium format digital 1x
  • instant film 8x
  • 6x6, 6x4.5 4x
  • Minox submini 3x
  • pinhole 4x
  • 35mm 8x
  • mobile device with cameras 3x

By and large, I grab the iPhone 11 Pro, Leica CL, Hasselblad 907x, or Polaroid SLR670x most frequently these days, but all of the ones on the list above get used occasionally. Sometimes not all in a single year...

I've kind of given up on the caprice of dreaming about just one or two cameras for everything. I have accreted more cameras than I want to toss in the trash or give away or sell, and laziness dictates they either sit on the shelf or get pulled out for an occasional shooting session. It is what it is.
