How many digital cameras have you owned?

How many digital cameras have you owned?

  • None

    Votes: 11 2.8%
  • 1 or 2

    Votes: 58 15.0%
  • 3-5

    Votes: 111 28.7%
  • 6-10

    Votes: 97 25.1%
  • More than 10

    Votes: 110 28.4%

  • Total voters

Juan Valdenebro

Truth is beauty
Local time
8:20 PM
May 23, 2009
Now that digital cameras have been around for close to two decades, I wonder how we have behaved... No matter if they're small compact digital cameras, DSLR's, digital backs, old or new ones with any sensor size, how many different digital cameras have we bought and used? (Phones out, please...) Thanks!
When it was new, maybe ten years ago, I bought a Fuji S3Pro to use my Nikon lenses... It's still working, and I like the way it renders skin... I've never owned any other digital camera with any other sensor size (S3pro is APS if I remember well, but haven´t used it these last couple of years). I have not bought a small digital camera ever, maybe because friends or relatives have one at hand usually... I use my S3Pro for color and low light only, mostly with my 85 1.8 for theater and portraiture... Obviously when I need images to share ASAP and the situation seems to be too urgent for Portra800...
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Hmmmm.... Hewlett Packard HP733 (stolen!), HP R817 (replacement for previous), Nikon D80, D7000, Coolpix S9400, N1J3, D750, Sony a6000. In that order. So eight but still have seven.
After several years using a Nikon Coolpix compact camera, digital technology took off and evolved a lot over the last 7 years and I went through Canon T1i and 7D DSLRs, S90 and S110 compacts in rapid sequence.
Settled down with Canon 5D Mark III and Fuji X10 compact.
Olympus D540 zoom - 3.2 MP. I won this in a drawing, so free.

Kodak P880 - 8 MP. Has a decent barrel distorting wide angle zoom equivalent to 24mm in 35mm film format. Goes to about 135mm at the other end.

Panasonic P&S that my wife uses.

That's it. I haven't bought a digital camera in 10 years. They all still work.
I will probably forget one or two:
Nikon Coolpix 100:
Fuji FinePix MX-700
Olympus Camedia E10 (the camera that caused me to sell my Leicas)
Canon Powershot Pro-1
Nikon D300 (the camera that brought me back to film, via a Nikon FA)
Nikon D7200

I still have the last two, which I use mainly for work, but have bought many more film cameras since the FA, and mainly shoot film now, again.
Seven altogether:
Pentax K100d, K20D, K5.
Ricoh GRD3, GRD4.
Fuji X-T1, X100T.

Still own and enjoy the Fujis and the GRD 4. Of the Pentaxes the only one I miss now is the K100D.
I bought Pentax K10d in 2007, and used Olympus EP-1 around 2012-2013. Still have both, but use them less and less. I use M42 Zeiss Jena lenses on Pentax and C-mount cine lenses on Olympus.
Quite a few. Can't remember them all. Most were unremarkable, the 'in development' middle products of an era in the throes of a paradigm shift.

The technology is much more stable now.

Argus Super Seventy Five
My mother made me the offical family photographer. My father was a failure and I had no clue. Go figure.

Petri Ft
Bought just outside the Air Force Base gates.

Mamiya Sekor 500DTL
Stepping up to some better gear.

Bought this in Japan along with 3 lenses using American dollars.

Cannon TX
My future wife bought me this to replace my stolen Minolta kit. We hung onto the TX long time.

Canon A-1
A benchmark camera for me.

Minolta Maxxum 1000
Always had suspect eyesight but felt I needed an assist. My wife dubbed this camera 'Chuckie' after a sunset episode on the Eiffel Tower.

Hasselblad 500cm
Finally could afford a 'real' camera.

Olympus Canmedia C-3040Z(oom)
During the 1996 Mad Cow disease outbreak I did what any good photographer does - heads into trouble. Actually, deals from the USA hit rock bottom and I took advantage of it. Bought it to figure out this 'digital stuff.'

Sony DSC-F707
Used this to create a Miami Beach Art Deco walking tour book.

Nikon Coolpix 4500
Backup to the Sony (which failed twice and was repaired free by Sony both times)

At this point I still owned the Minolta Maxxum 1000 and the Hasselblad 500cm.

Nikon D70s
This camera made sense to me. I sold off the Hasselblad to finance a deep explore into DSLR.

Nikon D90
Great leap forward.

Nikon D7000
Waiting on a D300 replacement.

Fuji X100
Could it be?? No alas no. Sold it.

Fuji X-Pro
Again? Nope.

Fuji X100t
What about being fooled...

Fuji X-E2
I sell off the Nikon gear.

Fuji X-T1
hmmmm I'm sure the E3 and T2 will be a perfect match.

PS I still have the Olympus Canmedia C-3040Z. Yes it works.
I put down 6-10 but after thinking about it for a few seconds the number is 15. All were work associated cameras. Wow I can't believe I bought that many but I've been shooting digital in my work for almost 17 years.

I still long for the old days of shooting film for clients. Last week I scanned some 6x6 Ektachrome Professional (E3 process) I shot and processed around 1971 and it reminded me just how beautiful that film was. Film just had a depth and presence unlike digital. I still shoot film for myself fortunately.
I had to make a list to know the answer.

No particular order :)

Intel Webcam
Kodak 0.3MP P&S
HP 3.2MP P&S
HP 4MP P&S**
Fujifilm 10MP Bridge Camera**
Pentax K10D*
Pentax K100D**
Pentax K200D*
Pentax K-5
Pentax Optio M40***
Pentax Optio A40***
Pentax W90*
Pentax WG-II
Ricoh WG-20*
Canon G-2
Kodak EasyShare DC320
Sony NEX-5N
Sony RX100
Olympus E-PL1
Olympus E-PL2**
Pentax Q
= iPhone**
= iPhone 3GS
= Samsung Galaxy S3
= Samsung Galaxy S5

**Know Current Owner
***No longer working
= Mentioned but not counted towards total.
Here are mine

Here are mine

Dear Board,

I was gifted an Olympus C2020 by a friend. He ruined me.

Olympus C2020
Olympus SP-320
Canon EOS 20D
Canon EOS 1D Mark2
Olympus TG-8010
Canon EOS 40D
Canon SX10 IS
Panasonic FZ200
Fujifilm S-1
Fujifilm X-10
Nikon D300

I won't tell you what film cameras I own but I will tell you that for what I want to do digital is the cat's ass. I shoot wildlife and nature, and while they can be shot with film that definitely isn't film's strong suit.


Tim Murphy
Harrisburg, PA :)
Mostly Nikons:
Sony A7, RX100, RX1
Leica M8, M9, X typ 113
and for a short while, Canon 5D, Fuji X100, X100S and XT1
I did not count phones. I don't consider them cameras. It feels like trying to take a photo with a piece of toast! :)
One thing that has occurred to me is that aside from my first digital which was a Nikon D70 I still own all the others I have bought ... aside from an OMD which was a toy that I got rid of very quickly after discovering I really didn't like micro four thirds.

1) Canon A620

2) Nikon D70

3) Nikon D700

4) Sigma DP2M

5) Sigma DP3M

6) Epson RD1

7) Sigma SD1M

8) Leica M typ 240

9) Nikon D4
CoolPix 995
(4) SD1000's

I keep the SD1000's around as emergency/bike ride carry camera's. The progression of digitals has been interesting to say the least as my wife was the one that suggested I move out of the 995 when the D80 came out. Even then it took me a while to come around to the upgrade.
I shoot legacy glass with the Sony's and find the A7ii fills all my needs at this point in my photographic adventures.