Pecker -- THE RF Movie

SergioGuerra said:
Just saw this movie yesterday, and was a bit deception... I like to see photographers and cameras on movies, but this is just too ridiculous :|
A canonet used in those ridiculous poses, doing stuff that cant happen lol... oh well... even Christina Ricci didnt play very well...

I hope some directors read this little message of mine, and do a real film with cameras :) Maybe a HCB life history? ... just a thought! :)


Did we forget to mention that it was a comedy?

yossarian said:
"Pecker" (along with "Serial Mom") are the sort of John Waters stuff I really like.
The best serious depictions of photography I've seen in movies is "Z" and "Under Fire".

RJ is right that anyone who loves photography HAS to see "Barry Lyndon". To that I would add "The Third Man", "The Red Shoes", "Night of the Hunter", and even though it's perhaps David Lean's worst film, "Ryan's Daughter", if only for the storm

Thanks, Fred. The film was made 31 years old, long before digital special effects. Kubrick had some 50mm f/0.7 Zeiss lenses specially adapted for his camera so he could film using candlelight.
lI see a line from Kubrick's Dr. Strangelove made it into your signature.

Last edited: the movie Euro Trip they feature the Leica, but in the lobby at the multi-multi-multi-plex (and also on the poster - i think) they show a contax g2...curiouser and curiouser...

hasta la vista, adieu, dasvidanya,,fino al prossimo tempo, auf wiedersehen, and later y’all

"...patience and shuffle the cards" miguel cervantes
"nothing can be learned" herman hesse
"everybody knows everything" jack kerouac
"some memories are realities and better than anything" willa cather
" doo-wacka doo, wacka doo" roger miller
"we have met the enemy and they is us !" pogo
Guess I wasn't in the right 'frame' of mind when I watched Pecker. Actually only watched about 30 minutes and decided to not waste more time. Salvador was intense, as was Bridges.