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Cafe Regulars

Cafe Regulars

Voigtländer Perkeo II

From the Perkeo II roll of XP2 Super. The light level was an issue .. proper exposure had me down to f/4 and 1/10 second, and getting the focus on the mark proves challenging when you're guesstimating.

I scanned my first roll out of the Bessa III last evening ... having a coupled rangefinder solves that focus problem for sure! I've also bought some Ilford 3200 film to help with the low light situations issue.

I love this format. :)
I took out the Zeiss Ikonta last week when I was in the mood to use the old folder. These couple of shots from the old steel works in Belval are the result. Belval is in Luxembourg very close to the French border. It is now a reclaimed space with offices, university buildings, shopping and apartments but they have left much of the blast furnace there and are even restoring parts of it as a museum.

Zeiss Ikonta 521
Ilford Hp5+ at ISO 250
Microphen 1+1 for 11:45 at 19°C


Have you tried to make a 'human rangefinder' I have one in my Selfix's case, I show how on my blog:

Cool! I was about to say, wouldn't that need to be adjusted for rangefinder base length ... er, interocular distance? Then when I clicked all the way through to Tom Achtemichuk's site, sure enough he's got it (as "eye offset"). I hadn't thought about arm length, but I played around with his generator, and as I would have expected, small variations in IOD had greater effect than variation in arm length. There are various self-service ways to measure IOD--for use in online-ordering eyeglasses without ever walking into the optician's--but it's really best done by an optician, and once you've had it measured, I presume it never changes, even with age.

Great site, great card generator; thanks for the link through from your blog.

Photo Smith : Thanks for your comment -- yes, I have read about the 'Human Rangefinder' but decided I can 'guess' ( or 'Estimate' to be more Professional) the distances. My 'First GOOD Camera' was teh 16/20 model II with teh 75mm f3.5 Xpres lens but I think I was sold a bad sample as I never seemed to get the sharpness I should get, even using electronic flash or with w tripod -- I sold it to a Camera Club member for £10-00 -- then I was given an old 'Amateur Photographer' magazine and in there is the advertisement for that same camera !!

Selfix ad by pentaxpete, on Flickr
Thomas, this is the camera that had the light leak recently, yes? If so, it seems you got that sorted and it's a capable performer now. ...

Here some images from the first roll with my Super Ikonta 530/2 with its uncoated Tessar 105 mm f/3.8 after I fixed the light leak and the rough spots on the film gate.


Super Ikonta 530-2_03_Fomapan 100_001 von thomas.78 auf Flickr

Bad Münstereifel:

Super Ikonta 530-2_03_Fomapan 100_003 von thomas.78 auf Flickr

German Postal Service "team" bike (Deutsche Post):

Super Ikonta 530-2_03_Fomapan 100_004 von thomas.78 auf Flickr
Mathias ... Can you scale that down to about 1024 pixels wide?
Shouldn't post full Rez images like that.