M9 Alive and ....well- Post Your Pics Here!

I should have said just plain out of focus shots, there's little of the crispness I get from my Nikon or indeed my Leica film cameras,
regards john

I think you are right. This is a combination of a new (to me) sharp modern Leica lens, 28 2.8 ASPH, stabilized by the hood against the window at 1/125s. At bigger sizes it is still stunning the sharpness and detail. At this shutter speed, even with the wide angle, I don't think the photograph would have been nearly so crisp without anchoring the camera.

Eastern Hill by Richard GM2, on Flickr

But the web doesn't do it justice. I can see the detail of the crane and the windows on the most distant building.

Here's another that is sharp. This is the 135 wide open f4 at probably 1/1000s - I haven't checked: [edit: in fact 1/250s; maybe the mass of M9 and Tele-Elmar is more stable.]

L1002052.jpg by Richard GM2, on Flickr

Of course, sharpness is also a lot about contrast: here is the 28 again, also at 1/250s

East Melbourne by Richard GM2, on Flickr

...and again the web is not doing this shot full justice. Maybe the larger size in the new gallery will be a good place to look at these things.
Kennylovrin- Thanks for sharing these here. I particularly like the middle one. If you could post it solo and larger that would be cool -just thinking aloud not trying to make work for you:)

Icebear, very nice moment and fun color there. I am just speculating but wouldn't the subject here stand up to the frame uncropped?
Kennylovrin- Thanks for sharing these here. I particularly like the middle one. If you could post it solo and larger that would be cool -just thinking aloud not trying to make work for you:)

Icebear, very nice moment and fun color there. I am just speculating but wouldn't the subject here stand up to the frame uncropped?

Thanks! I think the easiest would be to just go here and have a look:

It should allow you to go fairly big as I upload in iPad resolution to Flickr. :)
Yes of course, I figured that out after posting :) It is very nice. I also liked the first coastal shot in that set on flickr that you didn't post here.


Thanks! I'm happy you like the shots! Sorry for the late reply, totally missed it! :)