Weekend Photography Plans: What are you up to?

I'll be putting a big dent into a 40 roll pile of 120 that needs development on Saturday. "Maggie" will be visiting her mom after teaching a a class so I'll be able to trash my apartment while she's gone.

There is a winter storm coming my way (North Shore of Boston). I think I will get out there early (before the snow becomes tracked up) and shoot some grainy BW landscapes along the coast.
Chinese New Year celeration at downtown LA on Sunday. I might go.... Color would be a MUST for this celebration. I think the NEX6 and ZM18mm would be a perfect combo.
This may be the record number of posted responses within one week in the history of this thread.
My partner is hunting Sunday so muggins will be driving the horse to Chatsworth house and hope to get some good shots of the blood hounds and rider plus Duke and Duchess of Devonshire will be there as long as the snow is not too bad, so if anyone is out in Derbyshire with nothing to shoot head to Chatsworth
Looks like I'll be digging my car out of the three feet of snow that a plow pushed up against it, as well as the foot that nature dropped on top of it. THEN maybe I could get on the road to start shooting...

Phil Forrest
I used an old 5cm 3.5 Tessar on the EP2 for some family photography today. Yesterday, I used the 85/1.4 Zeiss on the EP2 for some Pelican photos.
A small group of friends and I are going to do a hike to the "Hollywood" Sign tomorrow...
Pretty sure I'll be taking the Yashicamat 124 and some Acros 100...keeping it simple and easy to carry...
We've been wanting to do this hike for a year now but due to weather, crowds and dead people along the trail we've had to delay it...tomorrow it is...
It is soon going to be weekend again, and I am looking forward to some nice RF photography.

As usual, I will look at some fishing boats, pelicans, and beaches.

What will you be up to?
The weather is quite cold (for Florida standards), but it is sunny with clear skies here.
I will take out Lina and we will take some photos in downtown Pensacola. Nothing exciting!
I am shooting pictures with a zeiss softar filter. I do like the effect quite a lot for some light. It's making lovely soft pictures right out of the camera. Maybe just a little too soft (?) . . . depends.

Need to try it on several lenses.
Shot some photos along the Lakefront in Chicago. Sunny day with a stiff wind. fingers on cold steel start to lose feeling fast.
Was using Nikon SP and re-issue Millenium 50. To my horror - I finished up an old roll, took it out of the camera, discovering it was Tri-X shot at 80 ISO. I hate when that happens. Put in another roll and reset the meter.
I was ambitious and took 4 cameras with me - only used the Nikon. I should stick to 1-2 bodies, I never learn...
We have gorgeous weather in Pensacola today. I started my "photography" by taking some photo of my Nikon S3 2000 kit. Then I used the 28mm 2.8 Rokkor on the EP-2 to take some family photos at home. I took some photos of fishing boats last evening too.

What are your weekend plans?
A stroll around town this afternoon with my freshly painted M3, then tomorrow a full a day of swapping and showing the M's off.

Still waiting for some film, so I'm on a tight 5 roll budget this weekend.
Shouldn't be to hard, with the M3 staying empty Sunday for all those potential fondlers.