Sonnar Formula Lenses: "Normal Lenses" 40mm to 60mm, 4cm to 6cm, Any Make

Focusing with the old lens at moving subjects was not easy, and I had out of focus images. Most shots were taken with the lens wide open.
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I have so many OOF images that I don't even think of it any more any more any more really. Though, hoenstly, I do think that the narrower the FOV at the extreame end, well, I'll try it for giggles...
Focusing with the old lens at moving subjects was not easy, and I had out of focus images. Most shots were taken with the lens wide open.
Very nice Milan photos, Raid, especially the indoor ones. That’s an impressive old lens!!
I had done a couple of available darkness shots with my 1.4 lenses recently. Thought I'd see how they came out with the Nikkor 50/2. The old car under the streetlight? Not bad. The little free library? Someday I'll figure out how to not get that little string of christmas lights to not blow out the highlights :eek: XP2 simulation via haldclut in ART.

all at f/2, ISO6400, 1/45 to 1/4


One of my favorite Sonnars… maybe THE favorite… is the Zeiss Opton Sonnar 5cm f2.0. I love how much detail the lens resolves and the roundness, 3D quality of the images. Here are some examples in black and white:

Leica IIIc, Kentmere 400:

Late winter on the beach by Steve Macfarlane, on Flickr

Leica IIIc, TMax 400:

Aspens, Bishop Creek by Steve Macfarlane, on Flickr

Leica IIIc, TMax 400:

Sierra Columbine by Steve Macfarlane, on Flickr
Yes, the "roundness" or 3D resolution. The Jupiter 8's I have are great at that. The CZJ 272 f/1.5 5cm and the Bertele have yet to be tested. Soon. Love the definition in these photos.
Great thread! I posted this photo on one of the Contax threads and thought it deserves a post here too, showing the character of the CZ Sonnar 1.5 at f4.

I'm pleased to now own the Opton version of this lens too thanks to rff member milescl.

Flat white by Hugh B

Contax IIa, Carl Zeiss Sonnar 50mm 1.5 @ f4, Ilford FP4 125