Eastern Europe

I envy you, the picture, the opportunity, I'm waiting for more, hope you can put together a small (5-7) picture series from that.

spent a day in a farm in central Poland, photographing. Not many memorable pictures from that day, it was more challenging than i thought (no good light available) but here is one and i will scan some more next weekend.
Glenn, those are fantastic (but I may be baised cause I'm a sucker for Old Istanbul), post more if you have some!

Shameless plug- after five years I brought back to life my blog (that's so millenial). I'm trying to make a daily upload from my archives, with theme changing every week to keep it entertaining.
Probably most of it gonna be Eastern Europe pictures. You are all welcome to visit, of course I'll keep posting some new stuff here.
Jan Bielikowski
I'll look in the archives Jan and see what I've got. Was only in Turkey once in 1971 while trying to do around the world in eighty days with a PanAm ticket. Didn't have the time an overland trip would have required. Back in the day there was a place in Istanbul that was called the Pudding Shop where travellers/hippies gathered. Unfortunately I didn't get a photo back then, but if you look up "Pudding Shop" on Wikipedia they have an old photo and history of the place, apparent it's still in business. Pudding Shop - Wikipedia
Have you heard of it?

Here's a couple from inside Hagia Sofia with the 3g and 3.5cm Summaron.


I had the chance to spend some time in a relative's farm this summer. Due to the fertile ground in this area, it was relatively prosperous community of farmers in the past. With the massive migration of the 90s the village started declining until the last few years when a number of factories (Thule, Amica etc.. ) drew some younger population back in the area. So this area now is a mixture of newly built estates and declining farms.


Potatoes are the main vegetable grown in the area. Due to EU regulations posing restrictions regarding keeping livestock in populated areas most farmers switched to growing potatoes.


In the past there used to be a small population of protestants - you can find quite a few deserted churches like this scattered around.


In general my kids love visiting our relatives there - they treat the area as a massive playground.
