An Update on My Son


Real Men Shoot Film.
Local time
11:15 PM
Apr 1, 2007
As many of the longstanding members of RFF know, I have a 21 year old son, Mack, who came to live with me when he was 11 years old. His mother disappeared from his life completely a couple yrs later and he has had no relationship with her since.

We were so poor back then we could barely eat, and that year, 2008, a couple of RFF members, Back Alley and FrankS (they were both moderators back then) secretly took up a collection from RFF members so that I could get Mack something for Christmas. They surprised us with a huge amount of money; I think it was about $1200!

I used part of it to buy Mack a new laptop computer. He had never had a computer before, this was his first. That gift launched him toward a bright future.


Mack on the day after Christmas using his computer for the first time!

He is about to begin his fourth year as a Computer Science major at Purdue University. He received a full academic scholarship from Purdue when he graduated from high school, and has maintained a nearly perfect GPA.

In addition to that, Mack has gotten into doing 3D modeling of spaceships as a hobby. Earlier this year, he was hired by a team of professors and students at the University of Michigan who were working on a project for NASA creating experimental designs for ships to carry people to Mars and a surface habitat for them to live in. Mack took their designs and created graphic renderings for them to include in their presentation to NASA! He was paid quite well for them, too. He is now a professional artist!

Here are some of the renderings he did:






You can read more about it on NASA's website

You can see more of Mack's work on his Deviant Art page
Sweeeet... Wonderful to hear
Fantastic to see

You must be quite Proud Chris to have such a talented,
creative, hard working son.
Ever onward Mack !

The two of You are truly Blessed to have each other ... ;)

I needed to hear something positive today. This is POSITIVE indeed!

Thanks Chris. Best to both of you. :D
This is one of the best stories (realities, really) that I have found on RFF. Many thanks for sharing, Chris.
Wow Chris,

I am so happy for you and your son.

Indeed, this is one of the best and happiest stories ever shared on RFF.

Thank you for sharing.

His work has made NASA's website?

The ISS went over tonight. I thought that was cool.

Having your work make the NASA website is so super cool that it makes Helium 2 look positively steamy. Bravo, Mack!
