An Update on My Son

Thanks, I'm happy for him too. I thought it would take a lot longer because of the coronavirus killing off the economy.

My niece has just graduated and all the jobs she was applying for have gone. Fortunately (albeit not her first choice) she impressed an employer she worked for as a year's work experience, who has not merely employed her full time but on a higher salary.
Wonderful news, Chris and Mack!

I see three great things here:

1. That Mack got a good job so quickly.
2. That he got the job because of someone who knew his worth and excellence.
3. That the job is close to home and he doesn't have to move away. (Sneaky will appreciate this!)

- Murray
Mack's commercial illustration work is taking off. He's still working for but he's started doing commissions for aerospace companies.

Here's a recent one he did for a company called NanoRacks:

He did both of the illustrations used in this article! He is working on illustrations for a couple of other aerospace companies right now, which I'll post when he gets them done. He's being paid well for this work; he's made more money as an artist than I did this year :D
This is really awesome, your son in doing very nice work. Congratulations to you and most of all to him. Working in Aerospace has to be very exciting these days, with so many changes happening.
Good! Make Mack foot the bill for Sneaky's cat food!

Sneaky agrees. Its payment for all of Sneaky's hard work supervising Mack while he works! In the photo below, Mack is working on one of his illustrations last night while Sneaky slaves away on the shelf under the desk :p

Wow, its been a year since I updated this. Mack's art career has really taken off. This year, he made more money from doing illustrations for aerospace companies than he made as a software engineer! Here's some things he did this year:

Venture Orbital Systems is a French company that builds rockets and launches commercial satellites. If you look on their homepage, there are three illustrations of their rockets in flight. Mack made all three of those pictures. He did a number of other images for them as well.

He's still working for Here are some recent ones; click the image to see the full article.






The most exciting thing he did was a set of images that Jeff Bezos's company Blue Origin commissioned from him earlier this year. He made almost as much from that commission as he earned all year from his 'real job.' I can't show you those yet; the company hasn't released them to the public. They are talking to Mack about doing some more work early next year.

He's also starting a new project for NanoRacks, a company that he did some work for last year.
Fantastic Chris. Way to step up as a dad and guide your son through those rough times. Looks like he's going to do fine.