Collapsible Summicron Image thread??

Leica M5. LTM Summicron 50mm f/2 Coll. Fujicolor 200. Tetenal colortec kit C41

[/ATTACH] looking to buy this one, any opinions on the glass

Do the flashlight test to see. I believe even the inner glass was often marked up from cleaning attempts. If the price is right, go for it though, unless it’s really really bad I doubt it will impact the photo (which is all that matters unless you’re a collector). One of the cheapest Summicron out there, but IMHO has some of the most “character” of the Summicron line.
looked at it again today, definitely has some fog so thats a bummer. there asking $325

Did they mention the fog in the ad? If not, highlight it and see if you can drive the price down.

At the end of the day, fog and/or marks that are only visible with a flashlight are very unlikely to affect image quality in use (as long as the price reflects the condition).