Contax T3 vs. Nikon 35Ti

Contax T3 vs. Nikon 35Ti

  • Contax T3

    Votes: 209 68.1%
  • Nikon 35Ti

    Votes: 98 31.9%

  • Total voters
Are any of these repairable anymore? I know the Minilux, the CM, and the Nikon Tis are not.

The E02 on the Minilux and CM are easily fixable. For the Nikons, limited repair could be done at least in Japan (I've experienced a 28Ti's shutter button occasionally not triggering, just like the Hexars often do). Even the TC-1 seems to be still repairable to some extent.

It really depends on what kind of repair is needed, and whether you want to send it to the manufacturer. The choice become rather limited in the later case. I really find the Fuji Klasses to be very nice (and fully repairable) cameras...but the price had gone out of the scope.
Even though the T3 is an excellent cam, perhaps better than the 35Ti (in any case more compact), I'd prefer the Nikon. The analogue display just wins it for me. ;)

I'm with you. Of all the point and shoots I tried the 35ti and original Contax T are the ones I stuck with.
Jsrockit, you sure seem to 'care' about film and film cameras. Is this how you get as many posts as you do?

Huh? I didn't realize that I'm not allowed to post in these threads. I've owned a few of these cameras in the past and was asking a serious question.
Are any of these repairable anymore? I know the Minilux, the CM, and the Nikon Tis are not.

I saw a few listings at auction site for Minilux and CM repairs, guy in Portugal and also someone in Ukraine. Feedback seems to be positive from buyers...
I saw a few listings at auction site for Minilux and CM repairs, guy in Portugal and also someone in Ukraine. Feedback seems to be positive from buyers...

Yeah, I've read a few things about a lovely gentleman in Portugal (Oporto) who fixes CM.

Check out this review of the CM, the owner had the error come up and got it repaired.

I recently bought a CM on the 'bay and the seller had his serviced by said gentleman, and had heard reports that repairs were still being done (from 2 weeks ago)

Either way, beautiful camera, can't wait to put a few rolls through (pricy as hell tho!)
That's a great thing to hear... I've always loved them but thought they weren't worth buying anymore due to the issues. I used the Minilux extensively in the 90s and got the E02 error twice!!! Dropped my Contax T2 twice and got it repaired twice too. Grrrr. Bought a CM around 2010 and had errors immediately. Returned it.
That's a great thing to hear... I've always loved them but thought they weren't worth buying anymore due to the issues. I used the Minilux extensively in the 90s and got the E02 error twice!!! Dropped my Contax T2 twice and got it repaired twice too. Grrrr. Bought a CM around 2010 and had errors immediately. Returned it.
I have used the Portuguese repairer and now once again have a fully functional minilux. I even posted his up to date contact details in a different dedicated thread if you look for it.... A bit expensive but the real deal.

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There is a T3 in the classifieds w/ asking price of $1900. It has a dent on one corner.
That is insane!
35ti go for about $350
Yeah the 35Ti is more feasible nowadays. Preferably with the 28Ti style flash mode lever.

I found the 35Ti/28Ti could develop the wonky shutter issue similar to the Hexar. Solution is as simple too: open it up and clean the contacts.
T3 v. 35Ti

T3 v. 35Ti

To answer my own question, a reviewer of both who bought the T3 specifically for its reduced shutter lag found that, even with selectable pre-focus, the T3 had a bit of lag and in the end was not significantly different than the T2 in that regard.

Apparently, neither come close to the Olympus XA and its wonderfully direct shutter control.

With that in mind, I think I'll stick to the T2 and its manual controls, although others like the T3's small size and upgraded lens.

What a peculiar comment! The XA is not an AF camera, as those being compared, and it has no direct shutter control at all. Apart from that nonsense, I too prefer the T2 over the T3 for the reasons stated. To make a selection, I bought (pre T3) both a T2 and 35Ti, did a critical lens test chart evaluation and used them for a few weeks. For its control arrangement and by a slight margin, the T2 Sonnar lens, I preferred the T2. The lens on the 35Ti is a bit sharper at its best, but over the whole range of apertures, the T2 has a more uniform image. For raw imaging, neither come close to the imaging of a Rollei 35S (40mm f2.8 Sonnar), but that (like the image challenged XA) is another story.
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P&S camera prices are nutty. So I use an olympus RD when I want small and compact. Yes, I do have to focus, but that saved me way more than $1,000.
P&S camera prices are nutty. So I use an olympus RD when I want small and compact. Yes, I do have to focus, but that saved me way more than $1,000.

Nope. The prices on the Contaxs are nutty. There are countless fantastic P&S cameras out there for under $20 as long as you stay clear of the handful of trendy ones.
Nope. The prices on the Contaxs are nutty. There are countless fantastic P&S cameras out there for under $20 as long as you stay clear of the handful of trendy ones.

It's generally the premium compacts that tend to have the hipster tax.
I'd rather have something like the Canon EOS 300x with the 40mm f2.8 pancake for about £100ish, which is better in every way than most compacts whilst still also being 'compact'.... but you don't get the hipster points which is why people pay those inflated prices.
I have had the Nikon 35 Ti, then the 28 TI, the Contax T2 and finally the Contax T3.
For me the Contax T3 is the best (by far) compact camera I ever used.
It is so small and really pocketable with a good viewfinder, reliable auto-focus and fantastic sharp and contrasty lens.
The picture coming from my T3 are in my opinion on par with those from my Leica with a Summicron 35 ASPH.
I love the T3, but the T2's controls smoke it. If only the lens were 35mm. That 38 kinda throws me off. I should get over my OCD.

Nope. The prices on the Contaxs are nutty.
I don't keep up w/ all cameras, but I had to sell my two MF cameras (New Mamiya 6 + lens & Bronica RF645 + lens) b/c they almost doubled in price than when I had bought them about 4 years prior (and I almost never used them). My CLE was on the fritz (I take it to Burning Man). Figured I could buy a new one, or take my older, worn Zeiss Ikon ZM and replace them if the desert killed another, which is likely. The Zeiss ZM is well over double what I paid for the last one (4 years ago). The CLE... is only up about 50%. Fujifilm TX-1 recently got CLA'd (thankfully). Looked at the prices of those compared to when I bought it. Guess what...

hipster tax.
I think any old camera w/ a half decent lens is going to go up in price even further. I'm wary enough of the future to spend a bit of money for a year and stick a few in the closet. They don't make them, and they will break at some point (if they haven't already). Inflation also plays a roll. Just be glad you're not Japanese (assuming you're not). Prices have gone up but the economy in general has deflated for over 20 years. :|