i get more headaches with film vs digital arguments

Another case of not what is stated, but how it is stated.

Some people state their case in such a way that invites argument. Agreeing with them is not possible because they "dare you to disagree."

And as long as that behavior is tolerated, there will be arguments, ill-will, and constant fire-wars. Bunch of cranky old men on this forum.
but perhaps a lot of us don't take this type of thread as seriously as you might think Brian, although there are the usual one or two that persue them relentlessly for five or six pages - all day long! :)
Another case of not what is stated, but how it is stated.

Some people state their case in such a way that invites argument. Agreeing with them is not possible because they "dare you to disagree."

And as long as that behavior is tolerated, there will be arguments, ill-will, and constant fire-wars. Bunch of cranky old men on this forum.

Then there's the pedants, :rolleyes: and the folk who can't use the vB codes :eek:
I think a number of members post just to piss people off.

And as long as that behavior is tolerated, we'll continue to get it. What I have noticed over the last few years is that forums are becoming less tolerant of it. Photo.net is the one that comes to mind. Did a "180" compared with 5 years ago. So, it is possible to put an end to it. A lot of members will leave, and others will get banned.

So: the decision to be made on the part of the admin and moderators, is the level of tolerance. "Freedom of speech" being protected is nonsense. If some of the members acted this way in a bar, they'd be thrown out by the bouncers.
I think a number of members post just to piss people off.

And as long as that behavior is tolerated, we'll continue to get it. What I have noticed over the last few years is that forums are becoming less tolerant of it. Photo.net is the one that comes to mind. Did a "180" compared with 5 years ago. So, it is possible to put an end to it. A lot of members will leave, and others will get banned.

So: the decision to be made on the part of the admin and moderators, is the level of tolerance. "Freedom of speech" being protected is nonsense. If some of the members acted this way in a bar, they'd be thrown out by the bouncers.

1Cor: 13:11 by the Apostle Paul comes to mind. When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
It really is childish to debate these things. I was in the camp that film was the better medium, but as I have come to appreciate the photograph more! Instead of dwelling on which medium it was that took the shot, I'm now more interested in the photograph itself. These debates don't give me a headache, but they will never be won by either side. I grew up with film & I enjoy my film cameras not to mention the money I have tied up in them, therefore I shoot film & have no intention on switching. But I'm no longer gonna put down someone because they use an M8 instead of a M3. that's silly!
Mt 18:1-5.10.12-14: I assure you that unless you change and become like little children, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.
I got saved 22 years ago! The power of the Holy Spirit is what changes a person, you can't change yourself, that's the works doctrine! But this has nothing to do with the topic! :)
I think we should start a recommendation thread for all those who argue film vs. digital. It'll be titled "Painting vs. Sculpture vs. Pottery". Why? Because when I browse through their supposedly Gallery or Portfolio I am left wondering if they should just move onto another craft.

Seriously, some people need to work on making images instead of spending so much time perfecting a worthless string of words.
I've deleted at least 4000 posts in my years here.

But as far as the climate, I doubt things will change.
Do they give a prize for reaching 2300 posts?....or deleting 4000 regrettable ones! :rolleyes:

or more likely - it would seem - the redemption of sinners! LOL!
How about a 'christianity verses atheism' thread ... and at some stage during it someone could go OT and start discussing film verses digital.

A thread like that could make the problems in the middle east look like a playground squabble! :D
Do they give a prize for reaching 2300 posts?....or deleting 4000 regrettable ones! :rolleyes:

or more likely - it would seem - the redemption of sinners! LOL!

One of the best features on this forum is the ability to delete the root entry on a thread and take out all of the posts on it. My threads do not get shanghaid for very long.

As far as changes to the forum, tolerance for snide remarks and members flinging insults has been here for a while. It comes and goes, but this thread being posted by the senior moderator signals that the pendulum is due for a swing.
I agree with Frank and Brian in that some posters participate here but in reality they're itching for a fight... or want to impart their wisdom to poor ignorant saps like me.

But many of those are gone (and I'm glad that one of them left and slammed the door behind, by deleting all of his posts). So, all in all, the environment here is kinda funky, mildly exciting and confortably boring with all the "what do I buy next" and "what's better" posts (which I never read).
How about a 'christianity verses atheism' thread ... and at some stage during it someone could go OT and start discussing film verses digital.

A thread like that could make the problems in the middle east look like a playground squabble! :D

I believe in Stephen Hawking, God bless the Lord Stephen, so I'll probably not join in on that one
How about a 'christianity verses atheism' thread ... and at some stage during it someone could go OT and start discussing film verses digital.

A thread like that could make the problems in the middle east look like a playground squabble! :D
Keith we already had that one between Roger & myself a couple of months ago! I'm sorry to say I don't remember it turning into a digital vs film thread. I did get some interesting pm's though! (not from any moderaters)